
Save Your Jam Jars For This Great Tip

Save Your Jam Jars For This Great Tip

Vintage jars are so trendy for it's home grown appeal. Instead of going out to buy jars, why not save the jars already sitting in your fridge and pantry? Jars are a great way to store dry goods like rice, beans and pasta and also a great way to use as to-go containers. These easy yogurt parfaits are perfect for you and your kids' lunchboxes and using your cute empty jam jars are a great way to transport them!

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  • 1/4 cup of your favorite Greek yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons fresh blueberries
  • 2-3 fresh strawberries, quartered
  • Top with your favorite granola

Put the yogurt on the bottom of your jar. Top with blueberries, then sliced strawberries. Add the granola on top.

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