
10 Important Tips for Buying Solar Panels

Did you know that 46 percent of households in the United States of America have considered making the switch to using solar panel technology for their power needs? Buying solar panels is a huge win for your household as well as for the environment. The more people that make the decision to get the best solar panels, the better off the world will be.

Still, there are many things that you need to consider when you decide that buying solar panels is the right move for your budget and your family. Knowing the different types of solar panels and understanding solar panel science will help you find the right system for your electrical needs.

The good news is that you've found the perfect article to help you learn about ten important tips for picking the right solar panels for your needs. Keep reading this article to learn more before buying solar panels today!

1. Get Recommendations

If you have friends or family members that have made the decision to invest in solar panel technology for their homes then you should reach out to them for recommendations. Find out which panels they went with when they were buying solar panels and find out how their system is benefiting them.

It is also a great idea to speak with any neighbors in your neighborhood that took the plunge and decided to use renewable energy for their homes. They can point you in the right direction for the best solar panels for your solar energy system.

2. Think About the Warranty

Another key thing to think about before buying solar panels for your home is the warranty that these panels come with. A good solar panel company will offer a warranty that will give you peace of mind for 20 to 25 years after the installation. You'll know that you'll reap the benefits of your solar system for a long time before you need to invest in replacement solar panels.

Make sure that you're getting your solar panels from the best solar panel companies. The warranty is only as good as the company that you're working with. If they go out of business then your warranty evaporates before your eyes. Reading reviews on the companies will help you see the difference between the average and the good solar companies.

3. Have a Realistic Budget

You need to have a realistic idea of what it will cost to get the solar energy system that you picture for your home. There are a lot of upfront costs associated with getting solar panel technology for your home. Make sure that you set a realistic budget for your needs and look into the financing options that are available to you.

You can always pay for your types of solar panels with cash. There are also many options for financing your solar energy system so that you're not breaking the bank in order to use green energy.

With that being said, if you're going to spend the money then you need to make sure that you're getting the best solar panels and equipment. Take a look at your budget and consider the warranty you'll get before you make a purchase.

4. Check Incentives

Another big plus of buying solar panels for your home is the incentives that come with them. The upfront cost of getting the best solar panels might make you die a bit inside, but there are plenty of incentives out there that will put a serious dent in the money you'll spend.

The federal government offers a 26 percent tax credit on your home's solar panel technology system. There are also tons of local incentives that you can take advantage of that will take your incentives up to 50 percent of the cost of buying solar panels. If you do things the right way then your solar panels will be quite affordable and you'll get renewable energy before you know it.

5. Decide on the Types of Solar Panels

There are three main types of solar panels that are available on the market in the year 2022. The most efficient option on the market is the monocrystalline solar panel. They're quite efficient compared to polycrystalline panels but they also cost a lot more.

There are also thin-film solar panels that you can install at your home to start collecting energy from the sun. No matter which types of solar panels you decide to buy, you need to make sure that you have room to accommodate them all.

It is a bad idea to cover your home's roof with inefficient solar panels if they don't leave you room to add to your system's capabilities. It is better to invest in monocrystalline solar panels to get an efficient system that you can scale up depending on your home's electrical needs.

6. Mounting for Solar Panels

Another consideration that you need to think about before buying solar panels is where and how you'll mount them on your property. Most homeowners prefer to place their solar panels on the roof of their homes because it is an efficient use of space. Other homeowners prefer to mount their solar panels on ground mounts in their yards.

If your roof is new and sturdy then you should have no problems with mounting solar panel technology on your roof. You should make sure that the mounts that you use will stand up to the weather in your area. Homeowners in Tornado Alley will want to get robust solar panel mounts that can stand severe winds.

7. Solar Inverter

In addition to buying solar panels, you'll also need to get a solar energy inverter. Getting efficient solar panels is great but it is a waste of money if you skimp on getting a good solar inverter. The inverter is what takes the solar energy and converts it to the energy that your home can use.

Some inverters are more efficient than others and you'll do your personal finances and your household a disservice by getting a cheap option. Do your research and make sure that you don't waste electricity with a poor inverter.

8. Get Multiple Quotes

When buying anything that is expensive, it is always the best approach to shop around and explore your options. When it comes to buying solar panel technology, this means reaching out to different solar energy companies and getting quotes. The prices will vary by a large amount when you get quotes from multiple solar energy companies.

One thing to avoid when it comes to getting quotes is getting scared off by quality components. An efficient solar energy system needs quality components in order to make the most of the energy it collects. Going for the cheaper options will result in a waste of money.

Inferior solar panels will cost you more money in the long run. Odds are that they won't come with a strong warranty and they'll have far more issues. You're better off paying more upfront for a superior product like the best solar panels.

9. Avoid High-Pressure Sales

Some solar companies will try to use high-pressure sales techniques on you to sign up with them for solar energy. You should avoid these companies at all costs. Sadly, many solar companies use these high-pressure tactics against you. If you encounter a solar company like this then you should avoid them and look at your other options.

Avoid making impulse decisions based on these tactics. Ask for more time to consider the offer that they're bringing to the table. If the deal that they're offering is legitimate then it will still be there the next morning.

Making decisions when you're pressured will lead to making poor financial decisions and getting inferior solar energy systems. Work with a solar energy company that wants to help you and looks out for your best interests.

10. Understand the Location

Your solar energy system is useless if you place it in a spot that doesn't get ample sunlight each and every day. You need to do your research about how do solar panels work in order to find the perfect spot for your home's solar panels.

Some parts of the United States get tons of sunlight each day and each year, like Arizona and New Mexico. Areas like that won't need specifics for where to place the best solar panels. The same can't be said for areas that have dense forests and shorter summers like Maine and Washington.

If you live in an area that doesn't get a ton of direct sunlight then you're better off with polycrystalline solar panels. Areas with ample sunlight are better off getting monocrystalline solar panels.

Start the Process of Buying Solar Panels Today

Buying solar panels is a huge step towards living green and harnessing renewable energy for your home's needs. It is important that you understand solar panel science and the different types of solar panels on the market in order to get the best solar panels for your home's needs. You should also understand your location and the amount of sunlight that you can expect there.

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Photo by Vivint Solar from Pexels

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