
5 Tools You Need to Become a Home Barista

Brewing your own coffee is a lot of fun. It is a process that requires precision, though, it’s never as complicated as it looks. Here’s what you need for it. 

Becoming a home barista is not as hard as it may seem at first glance. All coffee lovers out there can hardly spend a day without visiting a favorite coffee shop. However, recent months have shown that we can’t keep all our habits. We all need to learn how to be more independent in fulfilling your needs. Turns out, making coffee at home is not just cheaper than to buy it, but also learning it can be quite easy and fun. So, don’t be discouraged by all the fancy coffee terms and hardcore coffee machines. You don’t really need it at home. We have prepared a list of 5 tools you need to become a home barista. It means you are five steps away from a perfect homemade coffee. Let’s start!

1. Coffee Grinder

Regardless of how you take your coffee, you need to prepare your coffee beans first. Hence, a good coffee grinder is an absolute must. Anyone passionate about coffee knows that the freshest coffee beans make the best coffee. The air and moisture will degrade the quality of the beans in no time. Thus, the first rule for an aspiring home barista is to avoid any pre-ground coffee packages. Now, there are many different coffee grinders out there. From with manual grinders to super fancy electronic devices. In the end, they serve to complete only one function, so pick the device that speaks to you most. Be aware, though, that a burr grinder, unlike a blade grinder, will allow you to determine the quality of the grind. The difference in your grind determines which brewing method you pick next. 

2. Brewer

There are so many various ways to brew a coffee that it can make your head spin. Let’s start with the basics here. There are four main coffee makers depending on the method used in the process. You can get a machine that uses a steeping method, like a french press or a soft brew. Typical espresso machines or a Moka pot are the pressure brewing machines. You can read a Jura Z6 Espresso Machine Review to see how they work. You can also make coffee via filtration method. Chemex coffee makers, auto drip, cold drip, and percolators are the type of brewers you’ll need for a filter method. At last, you can use an ibrik to brew your coffee with a boiling method. There are no right or wrong brewers. It all depends solely on your choice and coffee preference. Some of these brewers will save you time, some are easier to use. Though, overall, your coffee preference is the only thing that matters here. 

3. Kitchen Scale

To make a perfect coffee every time you need precision. Weighing your coffee beans every morning may seem a bit too much at first, though it will be worth it in the end. The scales allow you to see how strong your drink is going to be, how much product you use per cup and the right quantity of water. They are also very helpful if you need to make coffee for a few people at once. Thus, you avoid waste and slowly create the perfect drink for yourself. Besides, kitchen scales are very useful in cooking in general, so you won’t lose when buying them. 

4. Thermometer 

Eventually, you’ll learn that any little detail in coffee brewing counts. There is nothing you should neglect in the process, including the temperature of the water or milk. To make a perfect cup, you need to consider how your components are mixed together. A standard waterproof thermometer doesn’t really cost much. Though, it greatly helps you in improving your drink.  

5. Water Kettle

A right kettle is essential for a good cup of coffee. Of course, it is true only for some brewing methods on our list. A special coffee kettle has a unique gooseneck, it’s very thin and with a slight curve in the middle. Such design is meant for pour-over coffee. The design of this kettle is perfect for pouring hot water over the grind without much disturbance. 

The Bottom Line
Don’t be discouraged to experiment and try out different coffee brewing methods. As you see, there are plenty of ways to go and none of them is wrong (unless you choose the pre-ground coffee beans!). Get all the tools you need and start your coffee journey. Our last advice here would be to start by trying out different coffee making options. Some people take the coffee morning routine as a meditation, a me-time moment to relax and find the mood for the day. Others prefer to have a quick fix. Their coffee mug is basically their second alarm.

Pick what your coffee means to you and find the brewing method to reflect that. Good luck! 

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