
5 Ways Exercises Can Improve Your Heart Health

Regular exercise has the potential to improve your overall health in immeasurable ways. However, according to CDC (Centers for Disease Control), only 21% of adults in America meet the Physical Activity Guidelines. The best way to strengthen your heart is through exercise. Therefore, to eliminate or reduce the risk of getting heart disease, change your lifestyle by incorporating exercise.

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Here’s how exercise helps to improve your heart’s health:

It Burns calories and lowers cholesterol

If you have a sedentary lifestyle and eat unhealthily, your body puts on weight. Excess body weight results from unnecessary calories and bad cholesterol that is stored in your body. Excessive calories and bad cholesterol build up around your heart, reducing its efficiency.

Regular exercise helps you reach or maintain a healthy weight by burning extra calories. It also lowers bad LDL cholesterol, while promoting the increase of healthy HDL cholesterol.

Improves the efficiency of pumping blood

If you are at risk of getting heart disease, engage in regular cardio-based exercises. They help to improve the flow of blood in the small vessels that surround the heart. These vessels could have a buildup of fatty deposits which cause blockages. Regular exercise can cause your body to create connections between these blood vessels, resulting in more travel means for your blood.

You can do your exercises at home or get a gym membership. However, remember to consult with your doctor before starting a new workout plan. Inform your gym instructor of your conditions, and talk to a personal injury attorney in case you sustain any injuries during your workouts.

Boosts your workout efficiency

When you commence on a new exercise routine such as cardio or weight lifting, your body will take some time to adjust. However, the more your workout routines become intense, the faster your body takes in oxygen from the blood. This way, your heart will be able to perform well under stressful circumstances. It will also become less winded when you exercise, and your body gains the ability to recover fast after exercise.

Decreases stress and lower blood pressure

With a healthy heart, every beat will push out more blood. This way, your heart slows down its beats when under stress and keeps your blood pressure in check. Better performance reduces stress on the heart and its surrounding arteries. If you are experiencing high blood pressure, regular cardiovascular exercise helps to lower it. 

Lowers the risk of stroke, heart arrhythmia, and diabetes

Studies reveal that exercise reduces the risk of getting coronary heart disease by 29% in women and 21% in men. Additionally, if you’re one to stay active, you reduce the chances of suffering a stroke and heart arrhythmia like AFib (atrial fibrillation). Through regular exercise, you can maintain a healthy level of blood sugar, which, in turn, lowers the risk of suffering type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.

Bottom line

Heart disease is among the leading causes of death. Just like your body, your heart requires exercise to function effectively. Regular exercise strengthens the heart’s muscles and eliminates artery blockages that result from fat buildup. With regular exercise, you reduce the chances of suffering a stroke, diabetes, heart arrhythmia, and coronary heart disease.

Ensure you visit your doctor for an exercise plan, eat right, and get enough sleep for a healthy heart. Engage in cardiovascular exercise, weight lifting, walks, runs, and swimming to boost your heart's performance.

Photo by Taryn Elliott from Pexels

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