
5 Week Night Cheats to Make Dinner Easier

Making dinner during the week can be a challenge, especially now that the world is opening again. Now the busy parents of the world are shifting from homeschooling to going back to after school activities and clubs. We are all busy again! So, with this in mind, here are some weeknight ideas to make dinner easier.

JillWellington from Pixabay

Use Your Freezer

Your freezer is one of the best tools to keep your family fed. There are plenty of frozen options that you can fill your freezer with. You can fill it with chicken, fish, pizzas and the best frozen chinese food. All you need to do is pull something out that can be cooked from frozen, pop it in the oven, and in around 30 minutes, you will have a tasty meal for your family. You can even pop leftovers in it to make them last longer.

Meal plan

If you have a plan in place, it can make dinner a lot easier. Sometimes, half the battle of weeknight dinners working out what to make after a long day. It can take a bit of time at the beginning of the week to work out what you will be eating and get the right shopping in, but it will be worth it. If you are not sure how to make a meal plan, there are plenty of guides to get your started.

Slow cooking

If you own a slow cooker and never use it, you might want to consider breaking it out. Slow cooker recipes are fast becoming the go to solution for busy parents. All you need to do is throw some ingredients in and leave it to cook for the day. After a few hours, you will have a tender meal that is ready to serve as you walk through the door. All you need to do is add some crusty bread to make your meal complete.

Salads are your friend

Throwing together a salad can be one of the quickest ideas for creating a dinner. All you need is a variety of ingredients such as lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, and cheese. What types of lettuce and cheese you choose is up to you. You can add something from the freezer such as a frozen pizza, and there is a beautiful meal. You can even add oils and dressing to help keep it interesting.

Pasta dishes

Pasta can be a great alternative to potatoes, and is a lot quicker to make than a bowl of mash. Pasta can also be a great addition to a salad and frozen main. It can also be cooked and eaten cold, so it can be stored in the fridge to help make things even easier at the end of the day. And if you have to cook it from scratch, it can be cooked in around 10 minutes. Any left over pasta can be stored and used for your lunch the next day or dinner the following night. A sauce can be added from a jar and gently heated in a pot.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

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