
Best diets for 2020: What’s Working for Better Health?

If eating healthy or shedding off excess weight is one of your New Year’s resolutions, then you must know by now the vital role that diet plays into ensuring that you achieve your goal. So, which are the best diets to try? This is a question that many people often ask themselves as there are numerous eating philosophies and foods to choose from, hence making it somewhat hard to know the most ideal for your needs. To help you with this issue, in this article, you will be taken through three of the best diets for 2020 that will guarantee you lead a healthier life.

Mediterranean Diet 
The Mediterranean diet, as ranked by Patricia and Carolyn, is one of the best. It usually focuses on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fruits, as well as olive oil with healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Moreover, it includes lean protein such as chicken and fish and a glass of red glass wine moderately, the occasional cheese, and a piece of red meat not exceeding two times in a week.

By following this diet, you get to benefit from its various health benefits. These include weight loss if you ensure your calorie intake does not exceed 1,500 daily, as well as reduced risk of cognitive decline and chronic infections. 

The principles of this diet are shared by the countries which border the Mediterranean Sea, including Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Greece, albeit having different styles of eating.

Flexitarian Diet
This style of eating encourages you to mostly consume plant-based foods, whereas still permitting you to occasionally enjoy meat as well as other animal products. Therefore, it allows you greater flexibility compared to vegan diets hence the perfect choice if you do not wish to stop taking meat altogether. Furthermore, it does not state a specific number of macronutrients and calories that you should take, and instead, it focuses on five basic principles, that is;

  • Limit intake of sweets and added sugar
  • Opt for protein from plants rather than animals
  • Mostly eat whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits
  • Often consume the most natural form of foods
  • Be flexible and occasionally eat animal products and meat

Because this diet is quite flexible, it is preferred by individuals looking to live a healthier life while still not completely cutting off some of your favorite foods.

DASH diet 
DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension and this is the perfect diet if you are looking to treat or prevent high blood pressure as well as minimize the risk of a possible heart illness. Researchers developed it after they discovered individuals who stuck to a plant-based diet were less likely to get high blood pressure, and it focuses on whole grains, vegetables, fruits, as well as lean meats such as bean, fish, and chicken. Additionally, DASH discourages foods that are rich in tropical oils, salts, added sugars, highly saturated fats like fatty meats, and fatty meats.

This diet discourages taking more than one teaspoon, that is, 2,300 mg of sodium daily, with the lower-salt version recommending not more than 3/4 a teaspoon, which s 1,500mg each day.

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