
Birthdays on a Budget

Celebrating a birthday, whether young or old, can be a great way to bring people together and allow the individual to be able to enjoy turning another year older, while in the company of those they love. While it would be nice to achieve your dream birthday celebration, this is not always a possibility. The amount of disposable income you are able to put towards the day will significantly alter what is available to you, from gifts, to food, even to the activities you all partake in. It is important to first consider the budget you have, before making any plans or promises regarding how the day will pan out.


Choosing the right gift for your recipient may seem like a difficult feat, especially when you only have a small budget available to do so. By shopping around and looking for the best offers, you may be able to find toys for kids of every age, as well as items that the older generations will also love. Putting more thought into the gift, rather than money, may also be well-received by the individual.

For those on a heavily reduced budget, you may also want to consider the things you are skilled at, or perhaps an act of kindness. For example, a homemade present, or even offer of babysitting once a month, may mean a lot more to a person than a trinket bought for the sake of buying something.

Cheap or Free Activities

Having a fun birthday does not mean that you need to spend an extortionate amount of money on activities, entertainment, or even location rental. Instead, you may want to consider things at a reduced, or even no, cost that will still be enjoyed by both the person whose birthday it is, as well as others in attendance. Going out for a picnic, a walk in the woods, or even swimming in a local lake, if permitted, are great ways to have a fun day together without needing to spend an excessive amount of money.

Potluck Food

Putting together a meal yourself, especially for a larger group of people, can be expensive, as well as time consuming and stressful. Even visiting a restaurant or ordering takeout may not be a possibility, as you could end up paying more, or potential guests may also not be able to afford the luxury. It is here that a potluck supper could come in handy. By having each guest bring a different type of food, you can keep costs low for both yourself and others involved, and end up with a wide array of different foods. This can also be beneficial when you need to cater to a number of allergies or dietary requirements.

While it would be nice to be able to do everything on the birthday individual’s list of desired events, this is not always a possibility. By putting in the effort to find ways to make their birthday spectacular, while keeping your finances in mind, you can show them just how loved they are without having to pay out as much.

Photo by Solomia Bunij from Pexels

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