
Clash of Smokers - Charcoal Vs Electric Smoker

Smoking food gives the meals a whole different flavor that you would not get by cooking it in a grill or an oven. If you're a meat lover, you must understand that it tastes uniquely depending on the way it is cooked.

But which type of smokers is best for your taste? Charcoal or electric? What are the negative and positive aspects of both? If you're a real connoisseur, you will certainly want to read this post.

Charcoal Smokers 

Charcoal smokers are for real smoked taste. This sort of smoking device gives the real smoked taste to your food. This usually comes with a particular price you'll have to pay while planning the charcoal for use. The temperature of this type of smoker should remain the same. 

This smoker costs between 250$ and $400 on average, and there are many choices available. Charcoal smokers are not that pricey as compared to the function and service they provide. If the price is your primary concern, they'd definitely be your first pick.

Conventional taste
Natural, great flavor
Easily transportable
Taking great pride in preparing the meals

The cleaning process is very difficult 
Charcoal preparation is pretty hectic

Electric Smokers

The electric smoker is a choice that will help save you money and time. This technology has shown to be a real comfort for all BBQ lovers who like getting functionality without losing food quality. 

It's similar to an oven. It doesn't only spend less time in food prep but also gives the food a real smoking taste. While buying an electric smoker, you can pick between digital and analogue. Digital one has a screen for controlling the temperature, while analogue one has an adjustable thermostat. No matter if they are analogue or digital, they can easily be cleaned quickly and effortlessly.

All you have to do is set your desired temperatures, and the smoker will do the rest. In contrast to grilling with charcoal, the electric smoker doesn't have any flammable mechanism to worry about as charcoal smokers can certainly make a mess.

So far as the price tag is concerned, it all depends on the particular quality and grade of the smoker. Electric smokers have economical prices when it comes to usability as compared to charcoal ones. So if you are buying one then read some electric smoker reviews online that can help you choose one according to your requirements in terms of usability, convenience and quality. 

These are practical and easy to use
Time Saver
These can be controlled by a remote   
Automated temperature adjustment
Simple and easy cleaning
Less hazardous than various other smokers

A bit expensive than some other traditional smokers and some of the versions are not suitable for remote (powerless) areas


Taking into consideration all the details and facts provided so far, electric smokers gained a slight edge over the charcoal ones. Both of these have their own flaws and traits. Although we're mindful that the choice primarily depends on our preferences and tastes, we would like to recommend you the electric smokers as they are easy to use and more comfortable in cleaning. Here is a list of Best Electric smokers to buy online.

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Jun 14, 2020 at 23:14:14
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Jun 19, 2020 at 22:06:30
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Tom Karon
Sep 27, 2020 at 13:22:02
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Tom Karon
Sep 27, 2020 at 13:22:43
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