
Everyday Habits to Help You Stay on Top of Things

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Sometimes in life, we all fall behind one way or another, and end up in a position where we feel as though we are not properly on top of things – whether that means struggling with work deadlines, or whether it means going to bed each night too late, and constantly feeling exhausted as a result.

Whenever you find yourself in a situation where you feel as though you are falling behind in one way or another, and aren’t properly on top of things, it's extremely helpful to figure out some everyday habits that you can establish and reinforce, that can help you to regain a sense of control and balance.

Here are a number of everyday habits that you can implement that can help you to stay on top of things.

Home cook your meals from scratch

Home cooking your meals from scratch can be a great activity that helps you to take more direct control over what you eat, while simultaneously giving you a heightened sense of control and balance in your life, in a broader sense.

Beyond this, of course, home cooking your meals from scratch can also help to provide you with more consistent energy throughout the day, and can also boost your mood and overall sense of well-being – at least if you are cooking and eating meals that help to support you in this way.

Ultimately, there are all sorts of great recipes to explore, based on your particular preferences, which can enable you to really enjoy the process of cooking, while simultaneously seeing how different foods and meal templates make you feel. It might be that cream of chicken soup helps you to feel better when you're otherwise rundown or frustrated, or it could be that you are drawn to a whole foods plant-based diet, and the assorted health benefits that are connected to that.

When all said and done, eating processed food, or routinely skipping meals in a haphazard manner, can contribute significantly to a diminished overall sense of energy and well-being, and can cause you a wide range of different problems which cause you to feel more overwhelmed and less on top of things.

Try the technique known as "time blocking"

In entrepreneurial and productivity-focused circles in particular, the concept of "time blocking” is highly popular, and is used by an array of influential and powerful business figures, in addition to all sorts of people who just want to have a bit more control over the course of their everyday lives.

Time blocking essentially means using a day planner calendar – most people use digital app such as Google Calendar or Apple Calendar these days – and scheduling out your day in advance, in order to get a proper sense of just how much you can actually expect to get done, while simultaneously adding bit of extra accountability to your day. 

If you're feeling overwhelmed, there's a good chance that you might be wandering haphazardly through the day trying to deal with issues as they come up, in a more or less random manner. Introducing a bit more structure to your day by time blocking may be just what you need in order to consistently begin pushing back and making progress, so that you can regain control. 

Maintain a baseline level of physical activity each day

If you're feeling overwhelmed, or as though you're struggling to maintain a sense of control and balance in your life, you may think that doing more physical exercise, and being physically active as a rule, would just be exhausting, and would cause you to feel even less on top of things than you were before.

Unless you really overdo it with intense workouts and burn yourself out, however, increasing your daily baseline level of physical activity can be remarkably beneficial for helping you to re-establish a sense of control in your life.

Being more physically active has been found by researchers to help to boost hope and optimism, in addition to elevating energy levels, and, of course, having a wide range of different health benefits.

Make chores and everyday tasks more interesting with good music and interesting audiobooks

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, it more or less goes without saying that you’ll need to do a whole range of different chores and tasks in order to regain a sense of control, and to help you stay on top of things.

One way to get this done more effectively, is to make your chosen everyday tasks more interesting, by listening to good music and interesting audiobooks as you work.

In fact, you might even start looking forward to doing the dishes.

Photo by Ksenia Chernaya from Pexels

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