
Got Acne Scars? Here's How To Get Rid Of Them

Acne can be frustrating, but it goes away, doesn't it? But what if it leaves a permanent scar? Acne scars can be quite unsightly, but the good news is that you can get rid of them permanently.

However, before getting rid of acne scars, you must first eliminate acne totally. That's because any new breakout can lead to further scars, ruining the results of your acne scar treatment.

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Treatment Options For Acne Scars

You can get rid of acne scars permanently using some dermatology procedures and serums, including dermabrasion, microneedling, and retinoids. While you can apply the serums DIY at home, you will need a professional for the cosmetic procedures. 

We discuss the options below.


Dermabrasion is one of the most effective dermatology procedures for treating acne scars. It generally involves "sanding" the skin to peel away the scarred area, revealing smooth, supple skin underneath. Although this is more or less the same as the microdermabrasion you do at home, dermabrasion usually requires a dermatologist and tools to scrape off the skin's outer layer more deeply.

Dermabrasion is best for scars that are close to the skin's surface. If the scar is very deep, dermabrasion may make it less visible, but it may not entirely disappear.

Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is made of a powerful acidic chemical that "peels" off the outer layer of the skin. It may seem like the kind of face mask you wear while binge-watching some Netflix thriller at home, but it's quite different. Nevertheless, there are mild chemical peels safe enough to be used at home. But a professional is your best bet to obtain a more effective solution that will dramatically eliminate your acne scar.

Chemical peels work for all types of acne scars, but they are more commonly used for deeper ones.

Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing works the same way as dermabrasion or a chemical peel in that it removes the top layer of the skin. But the most significant advantage of laser resurfacing is that it heals much faster than other dermatology procedures for acne scars.

That said, you need to cover up the area with a bandage throughout the healing process. It's also not a great treatment option for darker skin tones or when you are still having acne breakouts.


Given the appearance of acne scars, professionals usually fill out the depressions using fillers. The filler may contain collagen, but some procedures use fat tissue taken from other parts of your body. Or else a commercial dermal filler like Botox may be used.

The downside is that most fillers are not permanent and wear off within 6-8 months so you would need a redo from time to time. That said, there are permanent fillers that are usually more expensive.


Microneedling is a relatively new treatment option for acne scars. It involves applying a small handheld pen or roller to the scarred area. Although the needles puncture the skin, they don't go in like a syringe needle. This procedure works by stimulating collagen production due to the punctures. The effect takes place as the skin heals.

The downside to this treatment option is that it can take a long time, up to 9 months, to see any significant changes. That said, microneedling is a very safe procedure for all skin types.


Some medications can be injected into the scarred skin to soften and flatten it out. One good option is corticosteroids. Interferon and chemotherapy drugs are also pretty effective. However, you won't see the results after one visit, so you would need to go for a series of treatments.


Topical retinoids are a type of acne treatment that can improve the skin's texture, speed up cell turnover, and reduce the appearance of scars. They may also cause sensitivity to the sun, so it is vital to use sunscreen when using products that contain retinoids. Retinoids can be found in over-the-counter creams and serums or prescribed by a healthcare professional in higher concentrations. They are most effective for atrophic or depressed scars.

Salicylic Acid

Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) are an ingredient in some acne treatments and are known for removing dead skin cells and preventing clogged pores. AHAs can also help to reduce the appearance of acne scars by exfoliating the outer layer of the skin and removing discoloration and roughness. AHAs are suitable for all types of acne scars.

Lactic Acid Peels

Lactic acid can be found in various peels, serums, and ointments. You can also use it in diluted form as a toner or spot treatment with apple cider vinegar. However, at-home treatments may be harsh on sensitive skin. It's best to test it on a small area of the skin before use to avoid potential inflammation and irritation.

Many options exist because they each have their pros and cons. While one may be very effective, it may not be suitable for your skin type or the nature of the acne scar. So always talk with a professional to know what's best for you.

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