
How Diet Can Affect Your Quality of Sleep

It is no secret that sleep is considered one of the most critical factors supporting our health and wellbeing. However, getting high-quality sleep is something we struggle with for many of us. Nowadays, there is an abundance of information available online on how to get better sleep, from the standard tip of sleeping in a dark room, reducing bright screen time, to keeping your bedroom at the optimum restful temperature.


One underestimated lifestyle area which people often overlook when discussing sleep quality is diet. The foods we eat can have a massive impact on our ability to sleep and stay asleep. By consuming the right foods, we can sleep for longer and have a more restful night. On the flip side, consuming the wrong foods, especially close to bedtime, can lead to tossing and turning into the early hours.


This article will explore some of how diets can help and hinder sleep quality.

Increase Your Tryptophan Intake

For those who have not come across the term tryptophan before, it is an amino acid that helps our bodies to produce serotonin – the hormone that calms down the body and makes us sleep. So, for example, you may have experienced post-meal sleepiness following a heavy meal such as Christmas dinner when you have consumed a lot of turkey.


Turkey is meat that is high in tryptophan. However, many other foods have this sleepy amino acid. For example, salmon, pumpkin seeds, and peanut butter also have high tryptophan quantities. So when you next plan your evening meal, try to include a portion of food containing tryptophan.

Avoid Large Meals Close to Bedtime

Although foods that contain tryptophan can help improve sleep quality, try not to overdo the eating close to bedtime. Eating a huge meal or snack close to bed can have the opposite effect as your body will be busy focusing on digesting the foods while trying to get to sleep.


The same rule applies to eating high-fat meals or your favourite spicy snack food. These can both trigger heartburn, leading to an uncomfortable feeling, making it hard to fall asleep. If you enjoy fatty or spicy foods at night, it would be best to eat dinner on the early side and have a light snack before bed to keep you going until the morning.

Boost Your Fibre Intake

One of the essential parts of a healthy diet is fibre. It is well known for helping us feel fuller for longer, supporting our digestive systems, keeping blood sugar levels balanced, and even helping with weight loss – but unbeknownst by many, it can also help with sleep.


A 2016 study found that fibre can support a deeper, more restorative sleep and reduce arousals. So adding high-fibre foods to our evening meals could help with sleep quality but be careful not to overdo it – constant trips to the bathroom will not make for a restful night!

Balance Carbohydrate Consumption

When sleep and carbohydrates are concerned, there are both positive and negative aspects. On the one hand, eating a heavy meal packed with carbohydrates can make you feel sleepy, but this tends to be short-lived. On the other hand, consuming too many carbohydrates can hinder the overall quality of sleep. Therefore, it may be good to have high carbohydrate meals earlier in the day and stick to lighter meals in the evening.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced diet is something we should all practice, especially for those wanting a good night's sleep. Research has shown that lack of nutrients can impact sleep quality, including magnesium, calcium, and vitamins A, C, D, E, and K.


There are many healthy food sources packed with essential sleep nutrients. For example:


  • Magnesium – Pumpkin seeds, almonds, and spinach;

  • Calcium – Dairy products, leafy green vegetables, and tinned sardines;


  • Vitamin A – Cheese, eggs, and oily fish;


  • Vitamin C – Citrus fruits, peppers, and potatoes;


  • Vitamin D – Red meat, liver, and egg yolks;


  • Vitamin E – Peanuts, hazelnuts, and plant oils;


  • Vitamin K – Cereal grains, broccoli, and vegetable oils.


A general rule to a balanced diet is to include lots of colour on your plate, meaning fruits and vegetables. If possible, these fruits and vegetables should be organically grown, so they contain lots of vitamins and minerals to help you get a night of restorative sleep. If you are ever unsure whether a proficient mix of vitamins and minerals is in your diet, just increase your fruit and vegetable intake.

Watch What You Drink

Many of us enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning and try to avoid it in the afternoon and evening in fear that it will impact our sleep. This is a smart rule to follow as consuming caffeine too close to bedtime can interfere with your ability to fall asleep. Another drink that may be affecting your sleep is your favourite nightcap.


Studies have found that drinking alcohol can also interfere with sleep quality. That drink or two you enjoy in the evening before bed may make you initially feel a little sleepy; however, it can lead to waking in the middle of the night. Instead of alcohol before bed, it may be better to swap it with an alternative soothing option.


There are some fantastic herbal teas on the market, and some are even made with the optimal blend to promote sleep. However, refrain from drinking too much liquid before bed – find a good hydration balance. Just like your fibre intake, you do not want to get up to use the bathroom frequently throughout the night. A single cup of chamomile tea and a glass of water beside your bed will most likely suffice.

Introduce a CBD Bedtime Routine

CBD has been discovered to help alleviate stress and promote relaxation, so it could act as a great sleep aid. By simply adding CBD to your bedtime routine, it has the potential to help you get into the sleep zone and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day. From CBD gummies, CBD oils and even CBD teas – there is a CBD product out there to suit everyone's taste.

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

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