
How to drink red tea for weight loss?

Want to boost your weight loss results?

Are you tired of going back and forth in your weight loss journey?

Looking for better, more sustainable ways to lose weight and keep it off?

We get it. A fluctuating weight can be frustrating for people who have seen significant weight loss progress, only to lose it in the end and gain it all back.

But not to worry. No journey is linear — including losing weight.

However, if you feel like you’ve done everything you could to maintain a healthy weight and see little to no progress, we might just have something for you.

Red tea for weight loss

The ancient African weight loss secret of Red Tea, or Rooibos tea, dates back 300 years.

It is derived from the Rooibos plant native to Africa, and because of its antioxidant properties, it is well known for its health benefits.

Don’t believe us?

A quick Google search will show you multiple red tea detox reviews and scientific research on just how beneficial red tea can be for the body.

We have a natural and effective way for you to support your weight loss journey, so if you're seeking a way to lose weight naturally, then you're in for a real treat.

We are going to tell you how to prepare red tea in the BEST possible way for maximum weight loss results in this article.

But first, let’s walk through the FOUR other benefits of red tea for the body.

Let’s begin!

Additional benefit #1: It’s caffeine-free

There is no doubt that caffeine has its benefits. There are some people, however, who cannot safely consume this stimulant since it can trigger or worsen anxiety, interfere with quality sleep, and cause heart palpitations or jitters.

Children, pregnant women, and people who are sensitive to caffeine can enjoy red tea without any concerns. Red tea is your best bet if you're trying to reduce your caffeine intake or if you're looking for a good alternative to green tea, coffee, and black tea.

Additional benefit #2: It’s good for heart health and diabetes management

Red tea helps lower cholesterol levels and regulates sugar levels in the body thanks to quercetin and aspalathin — the two main antioxidants present in rooibos.

Quercetin fights free radicals, reduces inflammation, relieves allergy symptoms, prevents infections, and lowers blood pressure, among others.

Aspalathin, on the other hand, has antidiabetic potential and reduces the risk of vascular inflammation and atherosclerosis — two risk factors in heart disease.

Additional benefit #3: It’s low in tannins

Tannins (which are present at high levels in red wine, green tea, and black tea) restrict the body’s ability to absorb nonheme iron — the variant of iron that comes from nuts, legumes, and leafy greens, whole grains, seeds, and the one responsible for healthy blood.

If you’re severely anemic and still want to have your afternoon tea, opt for red tea instead.

Additional benefit #4: It’s responsible for slowing the aging process

Red tea, when applied topically, has been proven to improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

In 2010, researchers saw this first-hand when they tested cosmetic blends that included rooibos, ginkgo, soybean, and a mixture of other teas.

Red tea for weight loss

Now that we’ve covered the four additional benefits of red tea let’s dive into why red tea is the best option for weight loss!

Red tea is free of calories. So, if you’re looking to aid your weight loss while enjoying health benefits (minus the caffeine that usually comes with teas), then red tea is the way to go.

In 2014, researchers found that red tea increases leptin levels — a hormone that regulates appetite and signals to the brain that the stomach is full.

They also found that red tea helped inhibit new fat cell formation and triggered a faster breakdown of fats.

How do you prepare red tea for maximum weight loss benefits?

It’s simple, really. And it includes only a few steps.

Step #1: Prepare eight ounces of water (hot or cold, depending on what you like) for each teaspoon of red tea or tea bag.

Step #2: Let the red tea steep for a minimum of five minutes, depending on how strong or weak you want your tea to be.

Step #3: Drink the tea either as is or with milk, sugar, or honey.

And there you have it — How to drink red tea for maximum weight loss along with its well-known benefits!

As always, it pays to be a smart and responsible consumer. Make sure to look into where your red tea is sourced and if its growing practices are up to code.

Also, make it a point to round out your red tea consumption with a balanced diet, enough water intake, and regular exercise for better, healthier, more sustainable weight loss results!

 Photo by Olga Mironova:


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