
How to Host the Perfect Team Meeting

Meetings can be draining, dull affairs. But then, getting your team together shouldn't always feel like a chore. If you've become known as one of the office's best meeting hosts, you'll find the productivity levels and general spirit of your team will change almost immediately. Understanding and accepting that meetings can be tedious, and trying to change their mundanity will make a huge difference and will help your business grow and succeed. Here are some ways you can inject a little bit of life back into your office meetings.

1. Change the location.

If your meetings are constantly being held in the same lifeless office room, try changing things up. If it’s a nice day, think about outdoor locations that could be suitable. Or, if there’s a decent pub or restaurant nearby, hire a quiet table where you can talk. While it may seem like you’ll be adding distractions to the meeting, changing up the location can be extremely beneficial to everyone’s energy levels and morale. A chance to leave the office and get some fresh air will make the meeting something your team is looking forward to rather than dreading. Plus, a new setting can often inspire new ways of thinking, so you’re more likely to inspire your colleagues to think outside the box and come up with some inventive, fresh ideas. 

2. Try a lunch meeting.

Another way to inspire and invigorate your team is to provide lunch. A free lunch at the office will excite just about everyone and will mean they look forward to the meeting. They'll also appreciate the effort you've put in and will do their best to repay the favor. Being well-fed, your team's productivity and mental sharpness will immediately go up, so the meeting will feel less draining and more revitalizing. Visit Foodpanda’s website,, to see their various options for office deliveries. You can either order something of their normal system, getting individual meals delivered on the day, or you can use their corporate option to pre-order the meal. Ordering from Foodpanda and skipping the usual sandwich platter for something more exciting will really impress your colleagues. They’ll probably ask you to make the meeting a weekly occurrence!  

3. Don't try to stifle the initial chit-chat.

At the start of every meeting, there's usually a few minutes of small talk. While you might be eager to suppress this and get straight to business, try doing the opposite. If you encourage five minutes of general chatter in the group, you'll find that people are more relaxed and open when the meeting does kick off. Establishing a sense of comradery and a group rapport means you're more likely to work efficiently as a team.

We hope these tips help you change up your team meetings. Just remember that meetings shouldn't have to be a chore. If you trick people into thinking they're not really working, they will actually get more work done. The more enjoyable the meeting, the better.

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