
{lifestyle} RedRover App


Like many things created by moms, Kathryn Tucker, mother and critically acclaimed independent film-maker, sought out an answer to a personal need and founded RedRover App.

The RedRover App is a PRIVATE social networking website and application where you share events and whereabouts with your REAL FRIENDS in real time. Some tech experts have said that not being able to connect to Facebook with this app makes it hard to use. RedRover thinks that is the whole idea; To keep your network private, where you can share with your REAL friends.

RedRover allows you to plan social gatherings with your friends by making a plan and inviting guests. Plan your play-dates, ice-cream socials and even your moms-night-out events by using the app. The app can also tell you where nearby hospitals are in case of emergencies.

In an article by Gigaom, Kathryn explains, “Parents respond to this with hunger because this is such a huge pain point…You spend so much time coordinating your children’s schedule and when you can cut out emails, phone calls and search, you free up so much time.” And she’s right. RedRover’s growth within it’s first year is something to be noticed. Moms, dads and caregivers are able to utilize the app for many different things and people across the nation are noticing and joining the community.

RedRover being a private network has got the tech world watching to see it’s growth and acceptance. However, being a niche social-network, brands and advertisers have direct contact with the biggest spenders around…MOMS!

RedRover from RedRover on Vimeo.

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