#MCShowLIVE {Premiere Episode Line Up} Kids' Healthy Eating, October 9, 2012 @ 11 a.m. CDT
The premier episode of #MCShowLIVE is finally here and it is so exciting!! We have some great guests and giveaways lined up for you viewers and we hope you tune in on Tuesday, October 9, 2012 at 11 a.m. CDT, right here on the website.
Kids Healthy Eating
Our topic this week is Kids Healthy Eating. We are now well into the beginning of the school year and the topic of kids’ lunches and getting dinner together on a busy evening is on top of our minds. We have on the show, Melissa Graham, the founder of the Chicago-based non-profit, Purple Asparagus.
Melissa Graham of Purple Asparagus on the #MCShowLIVE October 9, 2012 at 11am CDT on
Melissa’s mission in Purple Asparagus is to educate children, families, and the community about eating that’s good for the body and the planet. They bring delicious, nutritious hands-on adventures to schools, community organizations, and farmers markets throughout Chicagoland. She will be giving us tips about introducing healthy foods to our kids as well as share her inspiring story!
Follow Melissa Graham
Twitter: @sustainablecook & @PurpleAspChi
Kids School Lunch Tips by Stacie Billis – One Hungry Mama
Being hungry is not the kind of thing that a hip, young NYC girl like me admits easily, but it’s true (not the part about being a hip young thing!). I’m hungry all the time, and I started One Hungry Mama because I suspect you’re hungry too. And because your hunger, like mine, probably can’t be satisfied by the food whims of the tiny people you hang out with—the ones who, if you let them, would eat pizza every night, pour ketchup over everything and refuse asparagus (even tossed with olive oil and shaved parmesan—the beasts!).
Kids change the way we cook, but they don’t have to change how well we eat. Hungry mamas and papas can whip up quick but delicious meals . . . shop on a budget and still manage to buy all-natural ingredients . . . cater to different ages and tastes without making separate meals . . . and champion moderation while enjoying a good splurge!
Follow One Hungry Mama
Twitter: @OneHungryMama
Chic Halloween Decor by Jennifer Luby – Second City Soiree
Chicago native Jennifer Dunham Luby is a lifestyle and home entertaining expert who believes that great hostesses are made, not born. With a common-sense approach and a cosmopolitan aesthetic, Jen has shared her love of home entertaining with Huffington Post, MSNBC/, Crain’s Chicago, WGN-TV, FM-News 101, and Real Simple.
Follow Second City Soiree
Twitter: @SecndCitySoiree
#MCShowLIVE Recipe: Bolognese Sauce
What kid doesn’t live a big plate of spaghetti and meat sauce! I will show you how to make a sinfully scrumptious bolognese recipe that’s sure to please!!
Born in Montreal and based in Vancouver, Karen Le Billon is an author and teacher. Married to a Frenchman, she has two daughters, and her family divides its time between Vancouver and France.
French Kids Eat Everything (HarperCollins) is Karen’s newest book, a memoir about family and food, inspired by a year spent in her husband’s hometown–a small seaside village in Brittany.
3 copies of “French Kids Eat Everything” will be given to 3 chosen viewers of #MCShowLIVE!
Nature’s Path is giving away 3 cases of assorted organic cereals to help you in your busy mornings!
“At Nature’s Path, we live for healthy, great-tasting organic foods. It’s why we get up in the morning. But we are also a company that wants to do more than just sell breakfast foods.
We aspire to advance the cause of people and planet, along the path to sustainability. And we like to think we put our money where our mouth is. Or rather, where our heart is. Because growing organic, healthy foods in a sustainable way is our passion—the cornerstone of our family company. It’s where, and how, it all began.”\
ENTER TO WIN: (Starts 10/9/12)