
The 5 Worst Foods for Acne Sufferers

Are you someone who is suffering from acne? If so, you should know very well that what you eat can have a significant impact on your skin's appearance and overall health. While a good quality moisturizer can play an important role in reducing flare-ups, there are certain foods that are known to make your skin's health much worse. If you’re unsure about what those foods are, keep reading because this article will break down five of the worst foods to eat if you are suffering from acne.

Dairy Products 

There have been many studies that have linked milk products to acne in teenagers. Two other studies linked young adults who consumed dairy regularly to being four times more likely to suffer from acne. This is linked to milk increasing insulin levels which is known to worsen acne. Additionally, cow’s milk also contains amino acids which stimulate the liver to produce what is known as IGF-1. This is linked to the development of acne. More research is still needed to determine if there is a specific quantity or type of dairy that may aggravate acne more. 

Refined Grains 

It has been revealed that people who suffer from acne are eating more refined grains than people with little to no acne. This can be in the form of bread, crackers, pasta, white rice, rice noodles, and desserts made with white flour. This is linked to the negative effects that refined grains have on blood sugar and insulin levels. Refined carbohydrates are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, which then raises blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels rise, insulin levels rise as well, which helps transport the blood sugars back and forth out of the bloodstream and into the cells. High sugar levels are; however, bad for people who have acne, and refined grains also cause inflammation, which is not good for acne either. 

Processed Meats 

Another food that can trigger acne is processed meats, and this is because processed meats are high in saturated fat and sodium, which are both linked to inflammation. In addition to the high saturated fat and sodium content, processed meats also contain hormones that can also trigger breakouts. 


A few studies have linked chocolate consumption to the production of pimples; however, it has not been revealed why this happens. One study revealed that people who ate chocolates with 10 times the cocoa content were more likely to get pimples than those who ate regular chocolate. If you are trying to control your acne and still want to consume chocolate, it is recommended that you go for dark chocolate with less sugar and milk content. 

Greasy Foods

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch:

Many people blame greasy foods for the onset of acne; however, there are mixed reviews on this one. There have been studies that reveal that greasy foods can trigger acne breakouts, while other studies have found that there is absolutely no link between acne and greasy foods. With that being said, though, greasy foods have been linked to clogged pores, which can lead to acne breakouts. Greasy foods are also high in calories, fats, and refined carbohydrates, which have a link to acne. You want to stay away from fast food items such as nuggets, hot dogs, burgers, and French fries because these foods may increase your risk of developing acne or worsen your existing acne breakout. A study conducted on over 5000 Chinese teenagers and young adults revealed that high-fat diets increased your risk of developing acne by 43% and eating fast food regularly increased your risk of developing acne by 17%. 

Instead of eating these foods, you want to load your body up with healthy and fresh foods that will feed your skin health and nourishment. Fill your body up with the following foods for healthy, glowing skin:

  1. Leafy greens vegetables.

  2. Nuts.

  3. Fish.

  4. Yellow and red fruits.

  5. Beans, peas, and lentils.

  6. Brown rice.

  7. Pumpkin seeds.

  8. Whole grain.

  9. Unprocessed fruits and vegetables. 

These foods are all rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants which have been shown to help improve acne.

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