The Benefits of Yoga for Children by KidSnips
This post is sponsored by KidSnips.

In our over-scheduled, fast-paced world, our children have very little time to slow down and decompress. While they may like to relax in front of a screen, it may not be the best way for them to relieve stress.
Yoga is a low cost, helpful tool that can help kids hit the pause button and allow for time to reset. It engages the whole body and mind. It often forces participants to put aside their worries and concentrate on their balance and breathing. Experts say students with learning or behavioral issues can also benefit from this ancient practice.
Yoga can also help both boys and girls develop body awareness, increase a positive self image and build concentration. Some high school and college sports teams are incorporating it into their weekly practices, to help improve athlete’s flexibility and balance.
So how do you expose your child to this experience? Read all the tips in the KidSnips blog.