
The Common Food Myths That Aren't True

When it comes to eating well, we may hear about someone’s experience of something and then that it as gospel. Not to mention old wives tales about certain foods, or just what is commonly said about foods as we’re a child, and then it has stuck with us as we have gotten older. So to help you on your way to achieving a healthy diet with balance, some of the common myths about food are going to be debunked. Then you can make informed choices and choose the foods that are going to help you to be the healthiest.

Drinking Orange Juice Stops You Getting a Cold

If you feel like you’ve got a cold or flu coming on, then we often think to turn to the orange juice, or anything else high in vitamin C to help ward it off. But that is in fact not true. While it isn’t going to harm you to have extra vitamins, it isn’t going to stop a virus that you have contracted. So it is good to drink to make sure that you stay as well as you can.

Dairy is Bad For You

If you are vegan then it is likely that you have stopped consuming dairy for moral reasons, and you can’t argue with that. But there isn’t any reason to not have dairy unless you are vegan or have an intolerance. Scientists like Nina Teicholz have shown to us that dairy foods like cheese and butter have some important nutrients for us, as well a some of the fat we need and minerals like calcium.

Eating Celery Burns More Calories Than You Take In

This is a common myth that makes many dieters reach for the sticks of celery. But it isn’t true that consuming will lead to negative calories. That being said, they are very low in calories, at around 10 calories a stick, so they are a great addition to anyone’s diet, and especially for someone looking to watch their calorie intake.

Legumes Need To Be Eaten With Grains To Get a Complete Protein

The protein side of beans and legumes is often misunderstood, as they don’t just contain protein like meats do, for example. They contain carbs as well as protein (along with plenty of other fiber, vitamins, and minerals like iron and potassium). So no, they don’t need to be eaten alongside anything else in order to get a complete protein. You can, of course, but they are fine by themselves too.

Eggs Are Bad For Cholesterol

Eggs have often been linked to high cholesterol. But the truth of the matter is that yes, if you only ate eggs, all day, every day, then you are likely to get high cholesterol. But eaten as part of a balanced and varied diet, including being active, then there isn’t going to be an issue. In fact, eggs are a real nutritional powerhouse and can be an inexpensive way of eating well. They contain iron, zinc, antioxidants, vitamin D, and nutrients that help your brain. If you are concerned about cholesterol, then look at what you have in your diet that is full of saturated fat.

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