
This Mother's Day, Have Fun with Mom

This Mother's Day, Have Fun with Mom

Moms have the most thankless jobs. The things we do for our loved ones get taken for granted because they are tasks that happen every day.

In a way, when the family and home is running as it should and it's everyday life for the family to know they are well taken cared for, the job of the mom is being done right. But as all moms know, we sometimes crave the acknowledgment and encouragement that our family sees our hard work and are thankful for our sacrifices.

I have heard too often that wives wish their husbands paid more attention to what they do for family. Moms wish their husbands acknowledged them more, praised them more, thanked them more. Moms wish their kids were more vocal about their thankfulness for always having clean clothes and warm meals. This is why moms love seeing smiles on their family's faces, because without any words, they see their contentment with a job well done.

This Mother's Day, take extra care of your mom, your wife, ex-wife, your grandmother, sister and any moms who are close to you who have dedicated their lives to raising the best children they can and providing and creating a home.

Here are some great ideas:

  • Visit mom! Take a fun bus trip with the family with and to visit your mom and their grandmother. did a survey and found that a majority of customers miss their moms (64%), but the answer is right in front of them…many say mom would cry tears of joy if they surprised her with a trip (53%) or an unannounced visit (46%).

"Bus travel is one of the most eco-friendly ways to travel and it also takes numerous single occupancy trips off the road," said Sean Hughes, director of corporate affairs for Coach USA/ "In fact, a recent study of customers found that traveling alone is the #1 way people travel with us." did a survey and found that a majority of customers miss their moms (64%), but the answer is right in front of them…many say mom would cry tears of joy if they surprised her with a trip (53%) or an unannounced visit (46%).

Also according to the survey, more people are planning to go home for Mother's Day, over a spa or the beach.

  • Create a video. It's so simple to create professionally done videos these days, even just using your tablets or phones! Create a family video showing mom testimonials from the kids and photos of the family over the years. Tear jerker!

  • Have adult kids? Go to a local paint and wine class as a family and enjoy some tipsy, family painting memories!

  • Getting homemade crafts from young kids NEVER.GETS.OLD. Take it up a notch with adding a homemade gourmet meal from dad too! With services like Blue Apron, you can easily become a gourmet-chef.

  • Take her out dancing. When was the last time mom went out to let loose on the dance floor? Whether it's a fun salsa dance-class session or a full on country dance bar, if your mom was once a disco-queen, you have got to take her out to relive her dancing days!

What great things have you done for your wife and/or mom for Mother's Day?

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of . The opinions and text are all mine.

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