
Try These Hacks for Better BBQ

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BBQ is a favorite cuisine of many, and if you’re a fan, you probably think that you’ve perfected your grilling game, but you know what? There is always room for improvement, and once you put these BBQ hacks into play, there will be no disputing that your BBQ is the best in the neighborhood…

Spiralize your Hotdogs

Hotdogs are a BBQ classic, and although they always go down well, they are rarely the start of the show. You can change that by simply cutting your hotdog sausages into a spiral shape. Doing so will not only help you to cook them more evenly and get more of that smoky BBQ flame-grilling going on, but it will also make it easier for condiments to reach most of the meat and stay in place. Your hotdogs will look pretty cool compared to others’ too!

Cook your ribs using the 321 method

If you like your smoked BBQ ribs, then you really need to learn the 321 Ribs method for cooking them. Why? Because doing so results in smokier, juicer, ribs that are so tender they will almost melt in the mouth, and it’s actually a really easy technique to put into action, which means it will make your life as BBQ host far easier too. 

Poach sausages first

Before you even think about grilling those tasty sausages, poach them first. Doing so will help to keep them moist, while also eliminating a lot of excess fat if that is something you are concerned about, This should result in more evenly cooked sausages that are still juicy and delicious when you bite into them, which is just about all you can ask from a barbequed sausage, right?

Use bananas for cooking S’mores

If you are looking for an easy dessert that you can cook on the grill, then look no further than these banana S’mores. Basically, all you need to do is take a few bananas - one per person -  split the skin down the middle, and then fill with your typical S’morse ingredients - marshmallows, chocolate chips, and pecan nuts or cookie crumbs, and grill. It’s a really easy way to create a tasty dessert that all of your guests will love.

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Butter your burger patties

If you want to avoid the prospect of serving up dry burgers when you are next hosting a BBQ, then you need to simply cut a disc of butter for each patty. Place it in the center before grilling and as the heat hits it, it will melt, basting the burger and keeping it juicy and moist while also adding some extra flavor which is never a bad thing.

Trying to keep it healthy? Replace the butter with an ice chip which will similarly keep the burger moist without adding to the calorie count!

Use lemon slices when cooking fish

If you’ve given up trying to BBQ fish because it always seems to stick to the grill and then you have to scrape it off and present something that is not exactly appetizing to your dinner guests, then you might be glad to know that you can put fish back on the menu again.

To avoid creating a sticky fish mess, simply slice a lemon and place these slices right onto the grill. Place the fish on top of the lemon slices and not only will it not stick, but ti will also enhance the flavor by adding fresh citrus notes that are the perfect accompaniment to any fish dish.

Use an aluminum ball for your grill cleaning needs

Of course, once you’ve finished cooking up a storm, you are going to want to scrub that grill clean ready for the next time, This can be a daunting and time-consuming task because it can be tough to get all of those flame-grilled bits off the BBQ, but do I have a trick for you! Simply take a large piece of aluminum foil and scrunch it into a ball. Use it to scrub the grill rack as vigorously as possible and all of that burnt-on debris should come off with very little effort at all. 

If you don’t have any aluminum foil to hand, some people find that using a raw onion, which you will again need to rub on the grill, is similarly effective.

BBQing is a lot of fun, and it produces some of the tastiest food around, and with these hacks ready to put into use, you can ensure that your BBQ is the tastiest of them all.

Photo by Desativado from Pexels

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