
Why You Should Consider Carbs for Your Post-Workout Meal

It is important to exercise daily. Exercising helps you keep fit and stay healthy at all times. The meal you eat before and after working out has a significant impact on your body. If you are an athlete, the primary goal of working out is to keep fit and increase your endurance and performance levels. Failure to observe your diet will not only lead to deterioration in your performance but also increase the chances of getting an injury that will take a long time to recover.

The body utilizes energy at all times, even when you are asleep. When undertaking your normal daily activities, the primary source of energy is fats, which contribute to over 85%. Carbohydrates provide 10% while proteins are the least contributors and give only 5%. However, when working out, things are different. The primary source of energy is carbohydrates stored in the muscles, also known as glycogens.

The percentage of substrate utilized when working out depends on several factors. First is how hard and long you do your workout. The more you train, the more substrate is used. Secondly is the amount of substrate that was available before working out and finally is how you replenish your carb levels while exercising.

As already mentioned, carbohydrate is the primary source of energy for the body while working out. The digestion of carbohydrates begins in the mouth. Carbohydrates are digested and converted into sugars that are partially used.

The excess is stored in the form of glycogen in the muscles and liver for later use. Intake of carbs triggers the secretion of insulin that regulates blood sugars such as glucose, fructose, and galactose that are generated after a decrease of carbs. The time taken by carbohydrates to release energy depends on which type it is.
Carbs are essential to the body. Here are some of the reasons why one should consume carbohydrates after exercising.

Increases Your Endurance
When participating in events that require high energy, consumption of carbs will ensure that your body has the power to sustain it. Performance enhancement products can help you boost your endurance levels. For more information on workout supplements, visit For instance, three days before a marathon, make sure that you start taking about 150 grams of carbohydrates daily that will ensure that you do not get exhausted quickly.

Helps to Regain Lost Carbs
If you exercise for more than an hour, yes, you will lose a large number of carbs from your body. Therefore, you must increase your body energy by ingesting complex carbohydrates after working out. Complex carbohydrates are meals with high fiber content.

Increases the Rate of Healing
At times we may get an injury while exercising. The substrate responsible for healing is protein, but replacing the used-up glycogen also helps in the repair of the tissues, hence accelerating the rate of healing. A combination of proteins and complex carbs will promote faster regrowth of the torn tissues.

Simple carbohydrates like rice take a short time to digest compared to complex carbohydrates like fiber. However, complex carbs provide higher energy than simple carbs and they also reduce the chances of weight increase as they contain low cholesterol levels.

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