
4 Tips to Help Your Dog Lose Weight

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It is not only us humans who struggle with our weight; dogs can pile on the pounds just as easily as us humans and they have just as hard a time getting them off again as we do too.

Thankfully, if you have a pooch who has been piling on the pounds, there are a number of things you can do to help him lose weight, including the following:

1. Measure his food

If your dog is fast, he is eating too much. You may have gotten lax with how much food you dish him out each day, so it’s time to stop doing that and ensure you measure out the exact serving as suggested on the dog food package from now on. If the drop is going to be significant, then gradually wean down to the right amount over a period of weeks to ensure it is not too hard on your dog.

2. Ensure treats are a treat

Many of us love giving our dog tidbits from the table or handing him our treats just because we love him but this really isn’t doing him any good. Experienced dog trainers, like the ones at All Dogs Unleashed, will tell you that treats should only be used as a reward when your dog has followed a specific rule, performed a trick for you, or otherwise earned it through his efforts. If you feed treats willy-nilly, not only will your dog gain weight, but he will have no incentive to behave well and that could spell trouble in more ways than one. So, treats are fine, but make sure he earns them.

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3. Increase exercise

If your dog is overweight, then taking him out for an extra walk or enrolling him in agility classes - anything that will cause him to be more active - will not only help him to shed the pounds, but it will also keep him as healthy as possible physically and mentally, so put on his leash and head to the dog park as often as you can.

4. Switch to a healthier pet food

Many cheap dog foods contain a huge amount of carbohydrate-based fillers which can cause your dog to become overweight even if you are feeding him the right amount. If you can afford to do so, switching to a diet that is higher in meat, whole grains, and healthy vegetables will definitely help him to shed the pounds, and be more healthier in general. If you have the time you could even cook for your dog - just make sure you're meeting all of his nutritional needs because dogs are every bit as complex as us and they need the right mix of vitamins and minerals to thrive.

Losing weight will take time and effort for your dog, and you as you help him through the process, but a dog who is a healthy weight will be happier, healthier, and live longer than one who is overweight, so it is a journey you must take. Good luck.

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