5 Sections For The Perfect Garden
If you’re planning a garden that is designed for use rather than just the look and pleasure usage, then you have to make sure you use all the space available as efficiently as possible. Working gardens can be a joy at any time of year, giving you plenty to work on while ensuring you’ve got everything you need at hand. Rather than a hotchpotch “everything where it fits” approach, separating your garden into working sections might be the best gardening-related activity you do this summer.
A well-maintained vegetable plot can be used to grow anything you like, providing you stick with the correct spacing. For climbing vegetables - like tomatoes or cucumber - you’ll need a structure for them to grow against, so try and have your vegetable section close to a wall or fence.
It’s also a good to keep an area near your vegetable section reserved for your composting efforts. You can throw trimmings directly in there without having to remember to do so.
(And yes, we know tomatoes are technically a fruit, but they tend to be grown in conjunction with vegetables so it’s best to keep them there!)
Even if you don’t use herbs for cooking, they’re a great plant to grow for the beneficial insects they can help bring to your yard. Why do you want insects? To help with pollination and attack critters set to eat your crops!
A basic arrangement of herbs in the mint family can help protect nearby growing vegetables from pests.
Even a working garden needs an area you can spend relaxing and enjoying the sunshine. How much space you want to dedicate to this area depends on your personal choice, but in general, a good lawn and a seating area will serve most gardens well.
Keep the area to easy to maintain and self-enclosed, with solid edging to separate it from the working part of the garden. For lawn care, you could try consulting for your mower choices see lawnmowers in the UK , while keeping an eye on potential problems with your lawn with warning signs learned at
Finally, remember to include a parasol - the sun can be an unforgiving mistress! In case you want to make your leisure corner a bit more sophisticated, check out this infographic about garden design.
SECTION FOUR: Greenhouse
If you’re serious about improving your fruit and vegetable production then, realistically, you need a greenhouse. That might sound like an expensive and exhausting task, but it can be easier than you’d think. Look for secondhand options which can bring costs right down.
It’s possible to grow fruits and other exotic plants without a greenhouse but it sure makes life easier. It’s also the best way to start seedlings on their journey towards plant adulthood.
Want to build a greenhouse? See this helpful guide from Organic Daily Post
It could be a water feature or a full-blown pond, but most gardens benefit hugely from the addition of water. If you’re big on ecology and sustainability, then consider a wildlife pond designed to provide a safe haven for all the critters who have been displaced by urbanization.