
6 Popular Vegetarian Diets to Consider

Vegetarian diets have become more popular, especially in recent years. This eating style prioritizes plant foods above animal products and is frequently regarded as a subset of the plant-based revolution. There are numerous merits and approaches to eating a vegetarian diet. 

Read on for the most popular vegetarian diets to consider when making a meal plan.

1. Ovo-Vegetarian Diet

An ovo-vegetarian diet excludes all dairy products and meals, including cow's milk, butter, cheese, sour cream, ice cream, yoghurt, meat and fish. An ovo-vegetarian can consume eggs and egg dishes such as omelettes and hard-boiled and scrambled eggs. 

Additionally, they might add eggs to baked goods like cakes, muffins and bread. Its dieters can comfortably practise a vegetarian keto meal plan that excludes animal protein and fish and relies on healthy fats, including eggs, nuts, avocados, coconut oil and seeds.

2. Flexitarian Diet

It is more flexible than a strict vegetarian or vegan diet. While consenting to a nominal amount of animal products, it heavily highlights the pros of plant-based diets. It stresses eating mainly plants but also incorporates meat and animal products, including moderate dairy and eggs. 

The key beliefs of this nutrition include:

• Mostly eating complete plant foods.

• Protein should primarily be derived from plants and not animals.

• If possible, avoid refined foods and added sugar, but occasionally consume animal-based products and meat.

Flexitarians are not strictly vegetarians because they occasionally eat very little meat. Each person is responsible for tailoring their diet to fit their lifestyle.

3. Pescatarian Diet

It is a plant-based eating plan that often incorporates seafood as the primary source of protein while excluding meat, poultry, eggs and dairy. Dairy and eggs are optional for some pescatarians, depending on their preferences. 

Eating seafood can make obtaining omega-3 and protein easier than other vegetarian diets. Polyunsaturated fats can prevent detrimental inflammation and maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels, lowering the chance of developing heart disease.

4. Vegan Diet

A vegan diet forbids the consumption of any foods derived from animals, such as dairy, eggs, meat and fish. A vegan diet consists of plant-based meals, including vegetables, fruits, grains, seeds, nuts and legumes like peas, beans and lentils. It has plant-based substitutes for conventional animal products such as tempeh, seitan, tofu and jackfruit, plant-based dairy and milk products and egg substitutes. 

The vegan diet also differs in that it frequently affects a person's daily life in addition to their dietary preferences. 

5. Lacto-Vegetarian Diet

It is a diet based on plants and contains dairy products. Dairy goods like cow's milk and dishes made with it are included in this diet. Examples are Butter, cheese, sour and ice cream and yoghurt. All meats, including poultry, beef, fish and hog, are prohibited. Besides, the diet also excludes eggs. 

6. Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarian Diet

When you pursue a lacto-ovo-vegetarian lifestyle, you must eliminate animal-based meats, including pork, poultry, cattle and fish, while having dairy items like milk, eggs, cheese, yoghurt, butter, ice and sour cream. Some individuals prefer this option for religious or cultural reasons. 

Plant-based diets are better for the environment, your health and the well-being of animals. Choosing a vegetarian diet may have many ethical and physical benefits. Your best diet will depend on nutritional value, cost, utility and simplicity.

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