
6 Ultimate Skills a Manager Should Have to Successfully Lead Their Team

Have you just been promoted or hired as a manager in the company? If so, congratulations to you! This is a work achievement that will bring immense joy. But do keep in mind that being a manager is not just a work position. You should also strive not only to work hard but also to be a good leader. A manager must be able to embrace all the team members without discriminating against each other. Another thing to keep in mind is that you should also sharpen certain skills that you have to ensure you can be a great leader and manager.

Wonder what are the important skills that you should have as a manager? Check out below to get the best insight!

  1. Prioritize Leadership 

A competent manager should understand that developing leadership abilities is crucial in their role. After all, a manager needs to effectively lead and support all its employees. When a manager feels accountable for each employee, they can effectively guide them and skillfully delegate both tasks and responsibilities with the right level of authority to ensure their completion.

  1. Saying No to Micromanagement

Some managers believe they must micromanage every aspect of their employee's work, as this will yield great work results. But in reality, micromanagement can instead have adverse effects. Employees may feel restricted, unable to express their thoughts or ideas clearly, working too much under pressure, etc. This can hinder their growth, and make it easier for them to experience work burnout.  

  1. Avoid Asserting Dominance

A great manager will avoid asserting dominance over employees, or belittling them when they make mistakes. As a manager, it is important to understand that when employees make mistakes, it can provide them with opportunities to innovate and learn. 

Do keep in mind that those who learn from their errors tend to evolve into more proficient workers. On the contrary, individuals who avoid mistakes from the outset and consistently play it safe might never dare to tackle more challenging tasks. 

The key is to first teach and create an open communication line with your employees. Afterward, assess their work and see whether the employees are having a hard time or not. When a mistake constantly becomes a problem with the employee, it is best to sit together and ask her or him about the problem and how you can both navigate it for a better work result. This approach can foster a culture where employees feel at ease, fostering their willingness to grow.

  1. Be Professional

When you become a manager, a professional attitude must of course be shown clearly. This is proof that you can represent a good leader's attitude, and it can also push your employees to show the same level of professionalism in work. Some examples of professional attitudes that managers have to keep in mind are:

  • Attend the meeting on time. This shows that you are a responsible person and respect other people's time.

  • Don't hesitate to say sorry and thank you. This attitude is important to show you are authoritative and polite.

  • Minimize the use of the phone during meetings or business hours.

  1. Target Oriented and Give Appreciation and Motivation

Having clear and concrete goals will authorize employees and make them focus on what to work on. Clearly describe what you are targeting, when the deadline is, and what results are you expecting.

As a manager, you should also provide goal-oriented input to your team when they work on a project to help push them toward progress. You can regularly have a meeting with your team to be informed about each milestone of the project, and give your input related to what happened on the ground. Express your opinion, concern, and insight clearly to your team. During the meeting session with your team, don't forget to give appreciation and motivation to all of your employees as well. This will motivate them to pursue targets and success.

  1. Able to Establish a Pleasant Work Environment

The responsibilities of a manager can indeed be extensive, often resulting in stress for both the manager and employees. However, managers can alleviate this issue by cultivating a comfortable and enjoyable workplace atmosphere for their team.

This approach enables everyone to function optimally regardless of the workload, fostering a pleasant office ambiance. To create a pleasant office environment, ensuring the workspace remains consistently tidy is crucial. A clean office promotes employee productivity while preventing potential issues or conflicts.

If your company operates in Singapore, as a manager, what you can do to elevate your office condition is by hiring cleaning services for office Singapore. Considering hiring their services can significantly assist you to become a great manager for your team!

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