
Beginner's Guide To The 5 Rules Of Food Safety

Now more than ever, food safety is an issue that’s to be taken with much seriousness, in order to avoid the spread of bacteria. And ultimately, disease. COVID-19 seems to have been the eye-opener of businesses in the food industry regarding taking extra measures in guaranteeing safer food.

In reality, devastating pandemics and large-scale food poisoning shouldn’t be the only factors to consider regarding keeping edibles safe. It has to be a standard everywhere. Period. 

With the help of 먹튀검증, learn about the rules of food safety, and other FAQs from verified international organizations that monitor, regulate, and standardize food safety measures. 

In cases of food contamination, the basic protocol for many is to call the food poisoning lawyers. In reality, devastating pandemics and large-scale food poisoning shouldn’t be the only factors to consider regarding keeping edibles safe. It has to be a standard everywhere. Period.

Food Safety Defined 

What exactly is “food safety”? In its simplest definition, food safety alludes to reducing and/ or eliminating the risk of food-borne ailments through proper preparation and storage of edibles. 

5 Vital Rules Of Food Safety 

1. Cleanliness 

Something as practical as cleanliness is often the make-or-break that leads to food contamination. According to the World Health Organization, the first rule of food safety has to do with the food handler himself or herself. 

Whether that’s immediately your person or some else (i.e. cooks, food servers, etc.), simple habits of washing hands before preparing food, keeping food stations sanitized, washing hands after using the toilet or after touching anything unsanitary, safeguarding food items and equipment from dirt and pests--- these all belong to this first rule. 

2. Raw Vs. Cooked 

There has to be a separation between raw food and cooked food. And this is to be literally observed. Put them in different containers and ensure that they’re left in different compartments inside the refrigerator and/ or freezer. 

The reason behind this is that microorganisms that thrive in raw food should not be transferred onto cooked food. This is also called “cross-contamination.” Salmonella and other health-detrimental bacteria are to be kept away from cooked edibles. 

Note that this food separation isn’t limited to the storing of ingredients. Dishes, counters, and utensils used for raw items are to be thoroughly washed and disinfected. To strengthen this further, there is to be a set of items delegated only for raw food. As for cooked food, vice versa. 

3. Thorough Cooking 

The third barrier between food safety and contamination is to thoroughly cook the first. Aforementioned is how dangerous bacteria live-on in raw edibles, and this relates to rule number 3. Said microorganisms can be eliminated by applying the proper amount of cooking temperature to food items themselves. 

The WHO also stated that liquids should reach at least a temperature of 70-degrees Celsius before being partaken of. Meats are to be cooked well enough so that they lose their pinkish colour. 

Restaurants tend to serve meat dishes with a range from “rare” to “well-done.” And although there are a few who cater to high standards in ingredient-purchasing and preparation, the safest way to go is to always choose “well-done.” Thus, when cooking, this perspective is to be carried out unsparingly. As a tip, utilizing a sanitized thermometer is a means for accomplishing this securely. 

4. Safe Temperatures 

Food should be stored in safe temperatures. There are two sides to what’s deemed as “safe” in this context. Refrigerators have to be set at below 5-degrees Celsius to warrant that perishables are preserved. 

Another recommendation is to cook products as fresh as they come. Allowing them to sit in storage for too long, even if refrigerated, will increase the likelihood of microbial build-up after a lengthened period of time. 

In contrast, cooked food that’s about to be served should be maintained at 60-degrees Celsius. 

5. Safe Water 

Finally, water. The Universal Solvent that’s needed in almost every kind of cooking technique is to be inspected regularly for safety. Tap water must never be used for cooking. Beyond this, tap water should be treated, and pipes and tanks checked (or replaced) for safe washing of fresh produce and utensils.

 Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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