
Benefits of Breastfeeding vs Formula Feeding?

While expecting a baby there are different questions needed to be solved beforehand. One of them is to decide on the way of feeding a kid - formula feeding or breastfeeding. Even though you plan to breastfeed a kid, you need to have some formula on your shelf just in case and go where they sell formula. So, to select the feeding method that suits your family, we’ll check the advantages of both of them. 

Benefits of Breastfeeding 

Since the formula invention, many types of research have been taken place so there is no doubt that breastfeeding is the best start for a newborn. Breast milk has essential nutrients for babies. In the long term, breast milk helps prevent chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, etc.

Only breast milk contains essential polyunsaturated fatty acids which perform plastic functions that are necessary for normal development. Carbohydrates in human milk are represented by up to 90% lactose and are the main source of rapidly utilized energy. 

Lactose promotes the absorption of calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, and copper. In addition to lactose, human milk contains galactose, which is necessary for metabolic processes in the nerve cell. Besides, breast milk contains immunological and biologically active substances, antibodies that protect a baby from various microbial and viral infections and allergic reactions. Furthermore, there is a relatively large amount of vitamin A, group B, as well as vitamins K, E, D, and C. What's more, human milk contains lipase, which facilitates the digestion of fats, and many other useful nutritional components.

Benefits of Formula Feeding

The main advantage of formula is that its nutritional content is as close as possible to breast milk and meets the needs of the growing baby's body, supplying it with the necessary minerals, vitamins, and microelements. The other benefit of infant milk is its long shelf life and there are no difficult storage conditions. In addition, you can always purchase such baby food for the future, with a margin. 

Baby formula is easy to prepare and it is easy to bring even on a trip. Among other things, the milk formula contains everything necessary for a correct and nutritious diet for a newborn. The difficulties you may face with bottle feeding is the searching process because the market is overwhelmed with formula from different manufacturers and it's difficult for inexperienced parents to select the good one. In case, the formula is selected incorrectly, it can lead to digestive disorders. To reduce the risk of such issues, you can visit where all the feeding for babies is made with great care. The other good thing is that a range of food is made under the strict control process from natural products.

The Bottom Line 

Until now, there is a misconception that bottle-fed kids get sick more often, develop worse, and so on. But the truth is that there is no huge difference between breastfeeding and bottle feeding. Kids grow up perfectly if for some reason you prefer formula to breast milk. The only important thing is to correctly select a formula that meets the needs of a newborn. 

Photo by Wendy Wei from Pexels

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