Essential Fire Safety Tips To Keep You and Your Family Protected
Spending precious time with loved ones and making sure everyone’s safe and happy are our number one priorities, of course. And we know how much fun it can be to get creative in the kitchen with the people who are most special to us. But did you know it can also be the most dangerous place in the house - if you don’t have the right information on how to cook safely?
Our top tips
The most important points to remember are to:
- stay in the kitchen when you’re cooking on the stove top;
- check there are no items like curtains or towels close to flames;
- keep the area around your microwave clear;
- have a fire extinguisher on hand at all times - just in case;
- check your appliances regularly.
Other key fire hazards at home
Of course it’s not just in the kitchen where you need to be careful - there are lots of hazards and things to look out for all around your home.
Smoke alarms
One point we just can’t state enough is the importance of installing and testing smoke alarms. Remember to change the batteries at least every six months – a great tip is to do this at the same time as you change your clocks. Search smoke alarm Cairns for services in the area.
Heating equipment
Heating appliances are a major cause of fire in the home but, sadly, the hazards can often get overlooked. Keep them away from flammable items, never plug more than one appliance into an outlet and keep portable gas generators outside and away from windows to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.
If you’ve got a fireplace, make sure your chimney is checked and cleaned by a professional once a year. One thing many people don’t realise is that unpredictable weather where you live can cause particular problems.
If your home is in a place where the temperature tends to swing regularly, it can create structural issues for the materials that make up your fireplace and chimney. So if you need a fireplace repair, and you live anywhere this applies, you’ll want to ensure you get the right advice and support.
Electronics and outlets
All of your appliances and electronic cords need to plug in somewhere, don’t they? But check if any outlet is overloaded or showing signs of wear and rearrange things so as many appliances as possible plug in individually. Using extension cords for distant objects is okay, but again try to ensure you don’t plug too many appliances into them at once.
Practice an escape plan
Despite taking every precaution possible, something may still go unexpectedly wrong, so you and your family should have a plan for what to do in an emergency.
Make sure everyone’s on the same page
There are some great resources available these days – even specialist advice on how to keep your kids safe from fire. So make sure everyone’s on the same page when it comes to fire safety – and you’ll enjoy many more happy times together, safely at home.