
Facts About Beards Worth Knowing

Beards can give you an admirable look. Before your beard reaches a glowing stage, you need to have invested a lot of time and money on The Sardar Co cosmetics. As a beard lover, you must know everything concerning beards from the types of cosmetics to apply, styles of shaving to beard caring tips. Below are some of the entertaining facts you probably didn’t know about beards.

Some People Hate Beards
Beards are just like long hair but some people don't know that. Some people feel nauseated and start sweating when they see a beard. This condition is called Pogonophobia. You might face such people someday so don’t get shocked when it happens. Just keep your beard neat and with good scent so that it doesn't upset everyone you come across.  

Beards Are Considered a Sign of Being Financially Well-of
Ladies have come to realize that men with beards are somehow financially loaded. You can forego your gym exercises and start rearing beards because it will still attract women just like your muscles do. Just focus on the treatment and shaving expenses.

Beards Offer Protection
Those suffering from allergens can be safe because the beards trap the allergens ensuring you don’t sniff them. The beard serves as a barrier that protects the skin from bacteria and other forms of pathogens. People with beards don't easily get skin infections on their chin especially if they maintain a high level of hygiene.

Russia Used to Charge Taxes for Growing Beards
In the 17th century, Russian men used to pay 100 rubles just to grow beards. Can you believe that? The government is taxing you because of your beard. Back then, the government used to say beard is a useless bunch of hair that is kept as a facial luxury. It was therefore deemed that those who kept a beard were well-off since they could maintain it using a lot of money on regular shaving and buying cosmetics. 

The Hours You Spend on Shaving a Beard
People don't consider the time they spend on shaving and maintaining a beard. The reality is that a beard consumes a lot of time to maintain. On average, people spend close to 4000 hours a lifetime on shaving a beard. Those are a lot of hours because in a year there are almost 8760 hours. That means almost six months of your life will be spent on shaving beards alone. Leave alone the time people spend on treatment and washing of the beard.

Longest Beard in History
Up to what extent would you like your beard to grow? Well, that is for you to decide but someone in Punjab by the name Shamsher Singh has a beard measuring 1.8 meters. That is way too long to maintain for an ordinary guy who goes to the office every day. Most employers cannot accept that because it wouldn't look professional at all. Even if you are your own boss, such a long beard causes inconvenience in the line of work.  

Growing a beard is an art that started centuries ago. Back then, people didn't have a lot of treatment products like hair growth oil. The hair used to grow on its own and the only treatment that the beard used to receive was washing and drying. Hygienic standards of the people with beards were not good because some had all sorts of skin issues including dandruff, discolored beard, and non-uniform beards. Nowadays things are way advanced and those growing beards no longer have a hard time maintaining the beards. There are specific beard cosmetics that people can use to ensure they grow their beard perfectly. 

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