
From Couch Potato To Domestic Goddess With These Dinner Party Tips


Have you never been any good in the kitchen? If you would much rather be a couch potato than think about the best way to actually serve potatoes, then you will have probably always thought you would be no good at hosting a dinner party. I’m sure that’s not true! Dinner parties are remarkably easy to plan and host. In fact, with the following tips, you will be able to go from hardcore couch potato to blissful domestic goddess in hardly any time at all!

Invite Guests Who Know Each Other

As a dinner party host, you will no doubt want all your guests to enjoy themselves in your home and have a great evening. But, sometimes, there can be something preventing them from doing so even if your food is fantastic. And that is when you invite lots of guests who do not know each other. It is important that each of your guests will know at least one other person at the party. This will allow the conversation to keep on flowing well into the night. That way, even if your food is a disaster, at least your guests can enjoy some top conversation!

Practice Your Menu

But your food doesn’t have to be a disaster! There is one very easy way around that - practice, practice, practice! The more you practice your menu, the better each dish will get. Ideally, you should cook your starter and main course a handful of times. Desserts are usually easier to master, so might not take quite as long to get right. Then you need to have a practice run to find out how long it will take you to cook all three courses on the night. You may find out it is best to do quite a bit of preparation ahead of time. 

Be Careful When Setting The Table

It is important that you try and spread out all the guests who know each other. Otherwise, they will simply talk amongst themselves and your dinner party guests could easily split off into groups, and the conversation could be fractured. Most dinner party hosts put place cards at each seat, so guests know where to sit. You will be able to find table accessories for fairly low prices if you don’t already have some things. The likes of candles, candle sticks, and napkins for sale are often in supermarkets or on online stores. You might even find some table decorations in thrift stores.

Remember Background Music

You will need to set the atmosphere for your dinner party, and a great way to do this is with some gentle background music. Try not to go with any songs that have lyrics in them, as some guests might find this distracting. You shouldn’t put the music on too loud, either. This could be very overbearing when people are trying to have conversations. Ambient and classical are some of the best genres of music for dinner parties.

Everyone will be super impressed with your dinner party once you follow these tips!

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