Give Toys & Free Family Yoga All To Benefit Lurie Children's and Northwestern Hospitals This Decemeber
Family Yoga Classes with Buddha Bella Kids + Toy Drive
CTF has teamed up with the popular Buddha Belly Kids Yoga to host three Family Yoga Classes which are FREE for families who bring in a new toy donation. The toys collected at each class will benefit Lurie Children’s and Northwestern Hospitals. CTF will continue the toy drive at its three locations through the holidays.
Sunday, December 1 at 2:00pm- CrossTown Fitness NorthSide
Saturday, December 7 at 2:00pm- CrossTown Fitness Roscoe Village
Sunday December 8 at 2:00pm- CrossTown Fitness West Loop
Free 2 Weeks of CTF Classes, December 17-31
Tackle the holiday splurge with two weeks of FREE 50-minute Total Body Classes. Guests can use the promo code: “FeelGood:)” at checkout on the CTF free app or through the studios’ website (normally $30!).