
How To Cut Down Calories Without Losing Taste

Staying on track with your diet can be tricky, especially if you're trying to lose weight. That's why we've put together this list of must-try tricks for cutting calories without losing taste—and not just for the holidays!

Sneak in veggies.

You can sneak in veggies without even thinking about it. If you want to add some flavor and protein to your mashed potatoes (and you should), try adding spinach to them! Replace the butter with a tablespoon of olive oil, or swap out the cream cheese for hummus.

And if you're craving something sweet after dinner? Don't skip dessert just because it's high in calories—try sneaking some frozen fruit into your yoghurt instead of eating it straight up.

Go crazy with the spices.

You can add flavor to your food without adding calories. Garlic, onion, and basil are just a few spices that add flavor without adding weight to your meal. You should always be careful when cooking with them, though—a little goes a long way!

If you'd like to spice up your food without worrying about what it will do for your waistline or blood pressure level, consider using these herbs and spices:
●       Basil (including green) - Sweet and delicate flavors enhance dishes like pesto sauce or chicken with mushrooms; they also pair well with tomatoes and potatoes. Look for dried leaves instead of fresh ones since they'll last longer in storage than fresh leaves if put directly into an oven dish.

Sneak in some beverages

Because they don't result in a dramatic increase in food volume, beverages are an excellent way to consume fewer calories without giving up taste. But skip the sodas; they're not only high in calories but also packed with sugar and artificial sweeteners. Opt for plain water or unsweetened tea instead, and if you really need to put something in your mouth, keto friendly  juice blends are a great choice too. They're low in calories and high in taste. Experimentation can lead to delicious discoveries! Click here to find out more!

Use lower-fat dairy.

One of the easiest ways to cut calories is to use lower-fat dairy products. Instead of using full-fat, high-calorie cheeses and yogurts, try to skim milk and low-fat varieties. This will help you lose weight without sacrificing taste! You can also swap butter for margarine in recipes or use less of it when making a salad dressing.

Watch your portion sizes.

Your portion sizes are a big part of your weight loss and maintenance. If you pay attention to what you eat, it can be easy to overdo it. When you overeat or get too full on healthy food, your body gets used to overeating.

The next time you eat something high in calories (like pasta), your body will think it has plenty of energy reserves so that you won't need as much food during the day or evening. This results in feeling hungry again soon after eating because there isn't enough fuel in your system yet — which means eating more!

This leads us back to balancing our meals with smaller portions; if we want fewer calories per meal but still enjoy our food flavorings, then this may mean adding more salt than usual (which makes us thirsty) or even cutting back on those spices altogether!

Watch out for the hidden calories.

The calories in sauces and dressings are often high—and there's a reason for that: They are used to enhance flavor. For example, if your meal has tortilla chips on top and you dip them into salsa or guacamole, how many more calories will there be?

Also, condiments like ketchup and mustard may seem suitable for your health, but they also pack extra sodium into their recipes (salt), which can add up quickly if you're eating out often. Try using less of these condiments at home instead!

Take the skin off chicken, pork or fish.

When faced with a plate of chicken schnitzel, fried pork cutlets or fish fillets, most of us will automatically reach for the skin. But before digging in, consider this: A third of chicken is skin and removing it knocks out 354 calories and 25 grams of fat per serving. Pork tenderloin is another prime offender, with 77% of its calories from fat. As for salmon, it's widely touted as a healthy alternative to beef or chicken, but according to Foodwatch, the average fillet has 63% more calories than lean cuts of red meat.
Try low-calorie substitutes.

If you're trying to cut calories but still want to keep the taste of your favorite foods, here are some tips for making low-calorie substitutes:

● Substitute any high-calorie ingredient for a low-calorie replacement. For example, instead of using butter in a recipe that calls for olive oil or margarine (both lower in calories), use one teaspoon of olive oil or 1 tablespoon of margarine per serving.

● Use smaller amounts of higher-quantity ingredients when making recipes with less fat and sugar; this will help reduce the total number of calories in each serving.
Play around with textures.

● Use crunchy foods to fill you up, smooth foods to make you feel full, creamy foods to satisfy your craving for sweets and soft foods so that they don't leave you feeling unsatisfied.

● Spicy food can also help curb cravings by making the body produce more endorphins (the brain's natural painkiller), making it easier for us to ignore other unpleasant feelings like hunger pangs or thirst. When we're craving something sweet or salty but don't have much room in our stomachs right now because of how much we ate earlier this week, try adding some spicy seasoning to whatever dish is prepared at home tonight! You'll be surprised how much better both taste AND digestibility become when using this trick on occasion throughout 2022--and beyond!

So, there you have it. Remember that these tips are only a starting point—and we all have different tastes, so you must experiment with what works for your particular diet plan!

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