
How to Get Your Kids to Exercise More

If you want to get your kids up and moving then you will know how difficult this can be. You may find that your kids are far more interested in their gaming console or even just lounging around on the sofa. This isn’t good for them at all, so if you want to change this then these top tips should help you to get started.

Track Everyone’s Process

You need to mark the calendar every single time you do an activity, or even when you eat healthily. When you do this, it makes it really easy to track everyone’s progress. It is also very motivating as well. If you know you’re your child responds well to competition then try and keep track of how many games they have won, how many times they have gone out that week, how many miles they have cycled and anything else of the sort. This will encourage them to keep up with it, and you could even offer them rewards based on the activities they have taken part in. If you still find it difficult to get your child interested then buy them something fun to encourage them to go out. This could include a scooter or even a skateboard. If you want to find out more about that then check out My Pro Scooter.

Be Spontaneous

Exercise whenever an opportunity comes up. For example, if you have to wait for queues then try and entertain them during this time. You could also do push-ups during Tv commercials or you can race from the car to the house. Little things like this can work wonders for your child’s activity levels and they can also help you to feel confident knowing that you are doing everything you can to get them moving around.

5 Minute Sessions

It is absolutely understandable that children find it hard to exercise. After all, to them, it just isn’t fun. If you want to help them with this then it is a good idea for you to get them to exercise for five minutes at a time. When you do this, you can then break it up into much smaller sections and you can also help them to achieve their goals gradually. When your kids are used to the five-minute sessions, you can then build these up to ten minutes and then longer.

Do it for a Cause

If you are a family of couch potatoes then you may want to try and do some workouts for a good cause. This can help you to get motivated and it can also help you to get the drive you need to really push yourself. You can organise a walk with all of your friends or you can even get the whole family involved. Either way, it helps to keep the kids involved with the planning as much as possible. The more they are involved with the planning, the more motivated they will be in the long-run and the easier it will be to try and keep them excited.

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Aug 27, 2020 at 09:11:40
great post
Aug 27, 2020 at 09:13:55
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