
How To Use White Wine Vinegar In Your Cooking

Vinegar is one of the oldest condiments in gastronomy, there are different varieties and it is a very versatile ingredient when cooking.

It contains many vitamins, enzymes, mineral salts and amino acids. Thanks to this, vinegar improves metabolism by facilitating the absorption of nutrients and producing enzymes for digestion.

We should all have a bottle of vinegar in our kitchen because even if you don't know it, the combinations that we can create with it are almost infinite.

White wine vinegar as its name suggests is obtained from white wine, so the quality of the resulting vinegar depends on the way it is made and preserved, but also on the wine that has been used.

It has a fruity flavor and stands out for its delicate acidic notes that are usually perfect for dressing salads, but it has many other uses.

In case you have a bottle of white wine vinegar at home and you don't know how to use it, take a look at the following tips.

#1. Sauces

White wine vinegar is ideal for making sauces, like mayonnaise or Hollandaise sauce.

It has several advantages when used in the mayonnaise recipe. For example, substitute the lemon for the vinegar. You can keep it for days in the fridge, and the egg whites will mix more easily. 

In addition, vinegar has fewer calories than lemon: 22 calories per 100 g compared to 29 calories from lemons.

#2. Salads

Vinegar is the perfect condiment for dressing salads. It gives them an acidic touch and goes well with practically any type of salad.

For a touch of more intense flavor, you can try mixing the vinegar with oils or other sauces and make a different mixture.

#3. Fish

White wine vinegar is the vinegar that best accompanies fish dishes. Due to its acidity, it is ideal for cleaning fish and seasoning it for preparation.

In addition there are some tricks that can help you when cooking: If you leave the fish in water and vinegar for approx. half an hour before cooking, the meat will remain white.

If you add a little vinegar to the fish stock, the fish will remain whole and firm. If you don’t have white wine vinegar, you can use lemon or other alternatives to white wine vinegar.

#4. Meat

Red wine vinegar may represent a more appropriate seasoning for meat than white wine vinegar, but many times we don't have it at home.

In this case, white wine vinegar could be handled to marinate the meat or cleanse it when it smells bad.

Try sprinkling the grilled sausages with vinegar, when you prepare them they will be tender and juicy.

#5. Legumes and stews

This is a little secret of using white wine vinegar in the kitchen. Did you know that if you include a tablespoon of vinegar to your stews they will be more digestive?

In addition, when you add a few drops of vinegar to the cooking water, the vegetables will better maintain their color.

#6. Cleaning your fruits and vegetables

This is a secret well known to many: when you wash vegetables include vinegar to the water. 

Vinegar does not cause any loss of vitamin or mineral salts and provides an acidic environment that breaks down some of the most common pesticides.

You probably knew most of these tricks but it never hurts to remember them. Using white wine vinegar more often in your kitchen will undoubtedly help you improve your diet.

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