
Love Through The Trials

Real love is strengthened through the trials of life. I used to wonder how couples have stayed together until their death. I even wondered how in the world my own parents have stayed together for 34 years when I've seen them almost kill each other!! Now, I understand that it is because through life's ups and downs, especially the downs - when life looks bleak and low, that their love is truly tested. And they commit to always go through life together hand in hand. 

Love is grand during times of happiness. It's so easy to love when all things seem to be going well. But one thing we know is always true in life is that challenges will come. And a couple who is ready and who understands that they will face challenges, is a couple who is equipped to foresee those challenges coming and able to fight the battles together. 

There are many reasons why people divorce. But I truly believe that most things in marriage are things you can repair and strengthen with a little hard work and elbow grease. Sometimes it takes a lot of hard work - but it's always worth it because there is nothing more traumatic and that you will carry for the rest of your life than the heartbreak of a broken family. There is no one worth leaving your family for. No job that will pay you enough to leave your home. No woman (or man) who can give you a marriage without trials. There is no mistake you cannot forgive (not talking about any form of abuse) because you too will make them and ask for forgiveness. The key is for both people to step up and own up to their mistakes and work together to be stronger. 

And if you're on the other side like I am where there is no resolution but divorce, know that there absolutely is another life besides your past. Just as God can heal a broken marriage, He can also heal a single broken heart and give you a more abundant life and love, free from your past hurts and mistakes. I know because I am her. ❤️ 

Stay encouraged. Stay strong. Stay faithful and focus on your family and on your new goals.

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