
The Essentials Your Diet Might Be Lacking

If you are keen to look after your general health, it is obvious that your diet is one of the major areas you will always need to focus on. As long as you are eating well, your health is going to be vastly improved, and it can be truly amazing what a difference this makes to your sense of wellbeing in general too. But with so many things that you might be trying to achieve with your diet, which are actually the most important? Let’s take a look right now at some of the essentials that your diet might be lacking at present.

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One of the most vital things that you should aim to have in your diet is omega-3. This is important for so many reasons, including improving your brain health and just generally helping to keep your health where it should be. It is also important for reducing cholesterol, which is something that everyone can benefit from at any stage in life. To get more omega-3 in your diet, ensure you have two doses of fish per week. Check out this grilled salmon marinade for an example of how you can get oily fish into your weekly diet easily. You might also want to think about baking some fish with vegetables for a healthy dinner.


Potassium helps with every major function in the body, and yet most people simply do not get enough of it. One major source of potassium that is easy to get into your body is bananas, so make sure that you are eating plenty of those. One way to do that is to make banana bread, which contains plenty of bananas and yet is absolutely delicious, with a sweet hit that you will love. That is a great thing to do with leftover bananas when they have become over-ripe (but before they have gone rotten!) This is great for your kids, too!


It might sound strange, as most people are trying to cut down on their fat intake. But the fact is, you need a good supply of fat into your system if you are going to be as healthy as you would hope. Fat is a vital ingredient that your body needs to be healthy, after all, so that is something that you will want to think about in particular. The point is that most of us are not getting the right kinds of fat, so you need to make sure that you are avoiding that issue by eating the right kinds. For instance, the fatty fish we mentnioed above is a good bet - as is using olive oil rather than butter or other kinds of oil. As long as you get the right kind of fat in your system, you are actually going to be healthier.

Those are just a few of the essential components that your diet might be missing, so make sure that you are trying to get more of them into your diet. You will be glad that you did.

Photo by Anna Tukhfatullina Food Photographer/Stylist:

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