
Tips to Make Your Home Greener

If you are a novice in the world of green technologies, it is all about taking baby steps in the right direction rather than giant ones. Once you are on the path to better, eco-friendly solutions for your property, it becomes easier to achieve more. That being said, here are a few expert tips from to embrace the environment by making your home greener. 

Take a Fresh Look at Your Electronics and Appliances

You can approach appliances in an array of ways:

Power saving- A good start is by turning off lights that are not needed and completely turning off the TV or computer rather than putting them on standby mode. 

Also, saving or eco-friendly modes on computers and appliances cut down power consumption without affecting the final results too much. 

Energy-Efficient Iterations

The latest appliances and electronics are more energy-efficient compared to their decade-old counterparts. While it might not be worth replacing a working appliance that’s not an energy hog, older and less efficient models need to be scheduled for replacement. 

The energy savings may not be noticeable for a single appliance, chances are you have multiple, which in that case, adds up. 

Lighting- You’ll want to consider LED light bulbs as they use 50% less energy compared to their CFL counterparts and up to 90% less than incandescent bulbs. So, it is high time you made the switch. 

Replace the Old Roof

Roofs are not always properly-built or installed in a way that prevents energy waste. When heat is lost, it costs you more money to reheat the house. As heat rises, most of the generated warmth isn’t lost through the walls or windows, but through the attic, and ultimately, via the roof. 

By hiring experienced and reputable roofers, they’ll not only install a roof using energy-efficient materials but also install adequate ventilation in addition to proper attic insulation. This ascertains that indoor heat is not lost as fast while preventing your home’s upper levels from feeling stuffy. 

Reduce Heat Levels

Yes, we like to feel warm and comfortable, but to be frank, most people set the thermostat too high in the colder seasons while still rocking a vest and jeans. For more eco-friendly living, consider adding an extra layer of clothes and lower the thermostat a few degrees than you normally would. Your body will be quick to adjust, your clothes will be of more use, and most importantly, you get to save on energy bills. 

Recycle to Avoid Throwing Stuff Away

Landfills are crowded with electronics and other items that were once loved but discarded at some point. While we all have some items to get rid of and declutter our homes, how we go about it is another issue entirely. Instead, consider recycling the item to give it a different use, Freecycle it or donate it. 

Make sure that another party finds the use of still-operating items that you no longer need. The last thing we want in this day and age is the needless waste of raw materials and energy required to make new products in a factory. 

Making a greener home does not require giant leaps. It is all about the smaller things that make a world of a difference.

Photo by Maria Orlova from Pexels

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