Top 8 Ornamental Plants You Can Grow in Your Garden
If you love gardening, or if you’re just simply looking for some ornamental plants to grow to decorate your house and garden, we have a list of plants you can choose from.
These plants can literally turn your garden into paradise if you grow them properly and take care of them. Some of these trees can last for generations to come.
1. Beech Tree

Beech Trees (Fagus grandifolia) is known for beech nuts that squirrels like to eat, but little did you know that it takes 50 years for a beech tree to bear fruit. It takes almost 50 years for this tree to make any amount of fruit at all.
But anyway, one of the facts that is right for you is the bark and the leaves are suitable for medicine. Not only that, but the trees can also be devised into different handles of tools because the stuff lasts so long.
How can you identify a Beech Tree? This tree is quite hard to miss because they’re big and is light gray in color but more often than not covered in a green coat of marks. The leaves are teardrops in shape and quite wavy.
2. Birch 'Summer Cascade'
Commonly called "Weeping River Birch", this ornamental tree features a weeping form of river birch ideal as a focal point in a landscape. If you are planning to plant a Birch 'Summer Cascade' (Betula Nigra), a piece of good news for you is it is easy to grow.
They thrive in many locations including wetter areas. They cannot, however, thrive in a swamp, but as soon as the soils get a little bit damp and stay water-saturated for an extended period, the trees can live.
When fully matured, which can take anywhere from 20 to 50 years, the Birch ‘Summer Cascade' tree will be 30 meters high with its dangling branches are cascading to portray a magnificent display.
3. Bottle Brush Tree

The Bottle Brush Tree (Melaleuca quinquenervia) is native to Australia and there are currently 40 species in this genus. Most of the species grow in the east and southeast of Australia. Two species are native to the southwest of Australia, and four species are found in New Caledonia.
The name of this plant sounds useful and intriguing. Some people call it an old fashioned practical plant because it can be used in cleaning bottles in your kitchen. Their bright and vibrant flowers will make your garden beautiful.
4. Cactus

Cacti (Cactaceae family) are spiky and unique, yet they add beauty to your garden. They are succulent plants with fleshy stem and colorful flowers. Cacti are cultivated in another place, especially as houseplants and are domestic to desert regions of the New World.
There are many cacti species you can choose from. For example, mini-cacti are easy-to-grow succulents and give colorful flowers, they need almost four hours of direct sunlight every day. An excellent indoor area is within 4 feet of a south- or east-facing window.
5. Cherry 'Yoshino'

Cherry ‘Yoshino’ (Prunus Yedoensis) Trees are one of the most loved romantic trees that boost during spring and autumn season.
Yoshino Cherries are one of the earlier blooming varieties, and they make up approximately 70 percent of the growing trees. They have a spectacular display of white to pale pink blossoms in single rings with five petals. The flowers start pale pink, and as they mature, they turn white or almost white.
Before the fall, they have a blushing pink at the base. They last for about a week or two, depending on the weather. The leaves flush out directly after the blossoms.
6. Coral Tree

When we hear about coral, we think about under the sea. Coral can also be found in the land, and it is called Coral Tree (Erythrina variegata).
The coral tree is a stunning tropical plant that is a part of the legume family, Fabaceae. They may be spiky or unwrinkled, deciduous, or evergreen, with a spectacle of a flower in dazzling pink, red or orange tone.
They are primarily in South Africa and South America, and there are just about 112 various species of Erythrina all over the world. Coral Trees are also found in Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, Asia, Australia, and even Hawaii.
7. Cornelian Cherry

The Cornelian Cherry (Cornus Mas) is a short tree and a member of the dogwood family. Some people call it ‘Golden Glory’ because of its great fruit.
The Cornelian Cherry tree produces small, yellow flowers in round, ¾-inch-wide clusters in early spring that add beauty to your landscape. The fruit becomes cherry red in late summer and is edible. The fruit is similar in taste to tart cherries and can be used for jams, jellies, pies, syrups, and wine.
8. Crabapples

For a home landscaper, Crabapples (Malus) produce an extraordinary prime in terms of giving color in the springtime. The ample amount of bloom shows the length that is there.
With Crabapples, there are many choices you have to pick from, not just flower color which is in the initial selection of course, but the gardener should know that the flowers only last two to three weeks and that’s what the Crabapples look like the rest of the year that makes such a difference. The tree also has a downside like Crabapples and makes a very unattractive tree when a lot of leaves either falls off or are discolored.