
Top Signs You're Stressed

Stress is something we all deal with from time to time and whether it’s stress because of work or your relationships, you need to know how best to manage it so that you can get through it. Stress has a profound impact on your mind and mental health but it also is something that you wear right across your face! You’ll notice your stress levels seem to go up when life gets busier, and while we all experience stress at times you have to learn how to manage it if you want to keep your blood pressure down!

Stress for a shorter period of time isn't usually a problem but when the physical symptoms of stress start to rear their ugly head, you can get back to it without any issues. You don't want to leave stress unchecked because you could end up looking at the best way to relieve itchy skin - sometimes, stress leaves rashes behind for some! You need to know the signs of stress to know what your body is reacting to, and we’ve got ten well-known signs below.

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  1. You’re constantly tired. Tiredness is relative. Your version of being exhausted could be something completely different to a version of tiredness experienced by your friends who have kids, for example. You will notice that you are more exhausted when you are stressed because you are less likely to sleep well - if at all! Insomnia is a side effect of stress and if you are constantly working through the same things in your mind, you’re going to find it tough to get through it without sleep. Speak to your doctor if you are going days at a time with less than five or six hours of sleep per night.

  2. You notice your jaw hurting. Did you know that stressed-out people tend to grind their teeth more than others? Grinding is very much linked to a lack of sleep and it causes you long term issues with your teeth and your jaw. You should speak to your dentist if you are worried because they are able to offer you a mouthguard that will stop you from grinding your teeth. You’ll chew down on that, instead, but at least your teeth are protected.

  3. Your skin is breaking out in rashes. We all deal with hormonal spots from time to time but rashes are common when you are dealing with stress. Your skin breaks into sore rashes and this can be bumpy or blotchy, and some fungal infections can flare up in response to stress. Your body basically attacks itself and it’s something that you can avoid if you work on the reasons you feel so stressed in the first place. The other thing that you can do is learn to cover it with makeup!

  4. You're dealing with headaches. Stress headaches are very real and they can last anywhere from thirty minutes to a few weeks if you’re not careful. You might find the pain radiates through your neck and shoulders, too.

  5. You’re snappy and you can’t seem to stop. Stress makes us angry and irritable and we are all subject to that feeling sometimes. Our moods are always affected by our circumstances and stress can make you more sensitive to everything around you. When you feel pressured you are going to snap at others more, but you can use therapy and relaxation methods to calm that down.

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  1. You’re constantly emotionally breaking down. No one likes to burst into tears out of nowhere but when you’re unable to stop yourself in the office, out with friends and even alone, you need some help. No one should have to deal with that level of stress that it literally comes bursting out of them and you don't have to. Sometimes, it’s always good to let it out and you’ll feel much better after a good cry, so always let it go and don't try to repress it. 

  2. Sex is off the table. A big indicator that you are dealing with stress is that you can’t seem to get your libido revved up anymore. Your stress hormones are blocking all of your inclination to have sex and you no longer feel that mind-body connection that comes with it. 

  3. Your appetite is affected. You’re going to tell very quickly that you’re stressed out when either you eat too much, or you’re not eating at all and the stuff that you do eat really isn't good for you at all. It’s so hard to nourish your body when you’re stressing out about the world, so try not to panic that this is a permanent thing. Once your stress levels recede, you’re going to be able to eat healthily again and that will be welcome relief! 

  4. You’re withdrawing from your friends. Becoming less social is a sure sign you’re dealing with stress. Everyone has a time in their lives that they just want to withdraw and slow down but when it’s stress-related, you’re going to want to hide away more than any other time. You should consider the fact that you need to give yourself a break here; if you need to hide, just let people know you need to heal a little, and then try to come back into the fold when you can.

  5. You are descending into panic. You want to make a point of feeling good but when you’re panicking it’s hard to make things make sense! The chemicals that release into your blood when you stress push your heart rate up and that can make it hard to breathe, which makes it hard to think! Hyperventilation is linked to anxiety and you can resolve this by removing yourself from the situation as soon as you can.

All of these stress symptoms are going to be overcome with work, therapy and medication if you want to ensure that you feel good again. Knowing the signs of stress will be a gamechanger in being able to hold it back.

Photo by Renzy Atibagos:

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