
Try These 9 Wellness Tips for an Easier, Happier Life

I Tried It: Try These 9 Wellness Tips for an Easier, Happier Life

While we are constantly bombarded with messages about what to do or not to do to attain our ideal health, sometimes the simplest solution is right in front of us. Nowhere is this truer than in the foods we eat. Whatever the reason, sometimes you need a little lift – a pick-me-up in the middle of your day – and here's where wellness tips come in handy. And we've got nine that are designed to make your life just a little easier, happier and healthier.

1. Eat lots of healthy, whole foods.

Did you know that more than 10,000 studies show the health benefits of whole foods? Therefore, eating a high-nutrient diet is essential for optimal health.

My go-to superfood is acai berry. It packs a powerful punch of antioxidants and will make you feel great - without any caffeine crash or jittery feeling. Açaí berries are "super fruits" loaded with anthocyanins, which help prevent heart disease, cancer, and age-related damage. They can also help maintain healthy blood pressure levels, reduce the risk of diabetes, protect against free radical damage and strengthen your immune system.

Bonus point: Fortify your immune system with probiotics. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that we need to maintain our immune system. Yet many people are deficient in these good bugs. To benefit from probiotics, eat a variety of whole probiotic foods, like fermented vegetables and plain yogurt, and take the best probiotic for low fodmap supplement daily!


2. Include an array of colors in your diet.

We know that variety is the spice of life. This can easily be translated to your healthy eating routine, which sometimes becomes tedious. So, keeping the ingredient list fresh will add color to your diet, especially those that come in bright colors. If you aren't a fan of colorful foods, it's not too late to introduce them into your diet.

3. Be a Sugar Smart Shopper

Check nutrition labels carefully, especially when buying packaged foods or something sweet. Minimize sugars by making smarter choices about dessert. For example, choose chocolate ice cream with two-thirds less sugar than the leading brand. Also, opt for chocolate syrup rather than ice cream topping.

4. Drink plenty of water.

You might think you're drinking enough water, but it can be hard to know the exact amount of water you should have each day. How much water you need depends on many factors, such as how active you are, the climate you live in, and even your age. For example, an older person might need more water than a younger person because their body doesn't process water as quickly as a younger person does.

The easiest way to know if you're drinking enough water is to think about peeing. When you drink enough water, your urine is pale yellow or clear in color. If your urine is dark yellow or dark brown, you're dehydrated and need to drink more water.

So how much do you need? That will vary from person to person and even day to day — things like exercising and eating salty foods can make you naturally thirstier. The general rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces. So if you weigh 120 pounds, aim for 60 ounces of water or other liquids daily (eight eight-ounce glasses).

And while you don't have to drink all that daily allotment at once, include lots of freshwater with meals and snacks throughout the day. Water can also help reduce cravings and keep your appetite in check, so you stay on track with healthy eating without feeling deprived.

5. Get a healthy dose of vitamin D. Vitamin D is crucial for our overall health and has been linked to reducing the risk of many health conditions such as hypertension, heart disease, colorectal cancer, depression, and multiple sclerosis.

6. Get moving!

There are countless reasons why being physically active is a good thing. Of course, you'll feel better, look better and sleep better, but did you know that physical activity can also help boost your immune system?

Maybe you're not in the habit of thinking of your immune system as the part of your body that helps keep you healthy, but it is. When your immune system is working at its best, it keeps your body disease-free by protecting you from viruses and bacteria that can make you sick. We all have germs, and our immune systems constantly battle them for the upper hand…

Luckily, by eating a nutritious diet and getting plenty of exercise, you can give your immune system a fighting chance to stay strong.


7. Make it a habit to smile at people you pass on the street.

Did you know the average American only smiles at two people each day? Smiling is the most universal and non-threatening form of human communication. It's easy to do and can help make us feel better, not just about ourselves but also about the people around us.

Smile more. Doing so will help you feel better about everything and everyone around you.

Even if you aren't in a good mood, pretending you're happy won't help; smiling can make you feel happier. Even if it seems fake, it can make you feel more comfortable and smile more easily. Many studies show that smiling makes people feel happier and friendlier; even if you don't feel happy or friendly, smiling can perceive you that way.

8. Be grateful

Focus on the good things of life -- people you know and love, anything that gives you joy and brings a smile. These positive things will carry you through the bad times.

9. Make sleep a priority.

We all know that we should be getting more sleep than we do, but it can be difficult to find time for naps and shut eye with everything else we have to get done.

We will go out on a limb here and say that if you're not getting enough sleep, you might find yourself running late, losing concentration, and feeling irritable. So if you want to enjoy a happier life, consider taking better care of your sleep.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get anywhere from seven to eight hours per night. However, most American adults are only averaging about six hours of sleep per night. The sleep foundation also notes that those who are sleeping less than that may suffer from lower levels of alertness, impaired judgment, and decreased reaction time behind the wheel.


Final words

You know what they say: "You are what you eat." That may not be true in a literal sense, but your body can certainly feel the effects of what you put into it. Eating right sets the stage for good health, helping you fight off colds and flu, aches and pains, and even encouraging better sleep. So if you want to keep off colds, manage stress more effectively, and have a little more energy, follow these tips.

And, if you manage any employees who are constantly coming down with illnesses or feeling overwhelmed by stress, pass these tips along to them. If they feel better, they will be happier to see your clients and more effective in showing them a good time.

Photo by luizclas:

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