
Un-bore Your Brand at BlogHer 2017

"When we decided to roll our food programming and community back into our annual event it was because food is one of our most important categories, and not having it represented at annual felt like we were missing a limb. We’re ready to today to unveil the "Food Is Life" program track that's been added to the schedule for #BlogHer17, and it’s a group of incredibly practical, always useful sessions, with an emphasis on their application within the food space, but on topics that are surely important to all online content creators.

On Friday we’ll kick off with a topic that looks at one of the other reasons we rolled Food back in to Annual: How to evolve your brand if you’ve spent years as a food blogger, but want to branch out. This happens to other folks way outside the food category (“mommy bloggers” I’m looking at you!) but we’ve seen the trend strongly amongst food bloggers. We’re calling it Un-Bore Your Brand, and we’re mostly talking about how sometimes you can get bored with your own brand and want to stretch your wings, even when you have an audience and community who loves you (and may even be resistant to change). Even if that’s the case, many have achieved this without a problem, and you can too!"

I am so honored and excited to be part of this elite group of panelists and speak about my knowledge and experiences in branding. I have built Momma Cuisine with social media as it's backbone and I want to help others with my experiences. If you are serious about using social media for your business, or having a career in social media, you have to attend #BlogHer17. 

Check out the special Momma Cuisine discount for #BlogHer17 tickets below. 

I'm speaking at #BlogHer17 in Orlando!

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