
Why's it So Cold in Here!? 6 Reasons Your Home Might Not Be Keeping You Warm

Households all over the USA have been dealing with some pretty interesting weather lately. One day it can appear to be a beautiful Spring day (finally!) that turns into a big storm, and the next, you’re wrapped up in a scarf and coat just to pick up the mail.

Cold weather is challenging- especially when you will do almost anything to try and keep your house warm but nothing seems to keep the cold away from your house without having to spend hundreds of dollars extra per year to pay for heat. Plus, using excessive heat that doesn’t seem to help keep cold away is literally letting hot air leave your windows. 

Having a cold house all the time can make even the most homely-looking environment seem uninviting. What’s the point in you taking the time to make your living room look nice when all you want to do when you’re in the house is to wrap up in your comforter in bed?

“There must be a solution!”, you may say. And you’d be correct- there are several ways in which you can make your house feel like a warmer, more inviting environment that you’ll want to spend time in. 

Here are some of the main reasons your house is so cold all the time, and some of the things you can do to combat them. 

  1. Your Home’s Insulation is letting you down

A house without sufficient insulation will lose a lot of heat through the walls. In older houses, in particular, it will typically only be the attic that is insulated because of the whole ‘heat rises’ principle-- it does, but it can also escape through walls, too! 

When checking your insulation, you should also be aware of the crawl space underneath your home. If not properly dealt with then this can increase drafts and the potential to cause damage through excess moisture. 

Another key area to think about when it comes to properly insulate your home is through the windows. Double or triple-glazed windows are significantly more energy-efficient than single glazed. This is because the glass protects your home from the elements, keeps hot air in, and cold air out. 


  1. Your Heat and Air System needs Servicing 

If you have issues with your heat and air system, then that may be one of the key factors causing your issue with a cold house. You should get somebody to look into your AC unit if there are signs that it is not working effectively. 

One of the most common issues with heat and air systems are filters that are either broken or dirty. Filters should be cleaned or changed every three months. The reason for this is that debris and dirt can become trapped as it passes through your system causing blockages. The blockages will mean that while your AC unit is functionally working, the blocked filter prevents the impact of the unit being felt. This will commonly lead to people switching their units up higher. The longer and higher you keep your AC units on for- the more fuel used which will have an impact on your carbon footprint as well as the amount your bills come to.  Get your AC unit fixed so you can enjoy heat and air as and when you need it. 


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  1. Your Fans Are Switched The Wrong Way 

When it’s cold, warmer air gravitates toward the ceiling, making it feel a few degrees warmer than it is on the floor. (Heat rises-remember?) You want to make sure that the warm air circulates the room without cooling it. 

Run your ceiling fan on low with the blades running clockwise (which can be done by using the little switch which is on most fans. By doing this, you create a gentle flow of air into the room that will suck up the air near the ceiling and distribute it throughout the room. By doing this, you should be able to lower your thermostat a few degrees! 


4) Cold Air is Coming into The Building 

If you have drafts, all the effort you put into keeping the house warm will go to waste.  Cracks and gaps in doors and windows create a doorway for cold air to come inside-even during the summer and certain outside doors and windows are in the shade. Use sealing or filling products such as polyurethane caulk or acrylic sealant to close off the gaps. 

By following these tips, your cold house, high energy bill woes should be well and truly over and you can enjoy a toast house again!

Photo by Max Vakhtbovych from Pexels

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