
Dressing With Confidence: Our Top Tips

Do you sometimes find it hard to feel good in the clothes you wear? Maybe you’re always a bit self conscious when you slip your shoes on, ready to head outside? And perhaps the clothes in your wardrobe are getting a bit old and worn out at this point? We’ve all been there! 

We’ve all had those confidence issues when it comes to getting dressed, as well as a lack of spare cash for buying the nice stuff we’d really like to wear! And that’s why we’ve got some tips below to help you feel good in your look again; check them out to make your wardrobe work for you again. 

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Use Comfortable Clothing as a Base

What are you comfortable in, on a daily basis? Because you can use these items as a base for anything else you want to wear. Want to wear a good pair of leggings under a dress? Go ahead and try it out! And the same goes for vests under shirts and scarves around your neck. 

Think of the Season

If you want to dress in a comfortable and confident way, always take the weather/occasion into account. Sure, it might be hard to lug a coat around, but it’s hard to be confident in an outfit that’s been soaked through by rain! And when it comes to seasonal pieces, if you get a few in your wardrobe you’ll always have something appropriate to wear when the months call for it. 

A good amount of summer boho dresses will pad out your wardrobe, and give you something to dress up in when you’re invited out to various BBQs or festivals on those hot days of the year. You don’t have to wear them all the time, but no more feeling out of place thanks to your occasional outfit!

Don’t Think There’s Something You Can’t Wear

What body shape are you? And if you know, do you often feel like you can’t wear certain items simply because they won’t be ‘flattering’? If the answer is yes, forget the idea right now

We’ve got the truth for you: you don’t need to have a certain shape to be ‘allowed’ to wear an outfit. And remember, the more you think in these little boxes, the less confident you’ll feel about exploring your sense of fashion. 

Let Yourself Try Something New

It’s nice to get dressed up in something you usually wouldn’t wear, simply because you get to see another side to yourself. On top of that, it’s just fun to experiment! If that’s something you struggle with, give yourself the permission you need to put on something ‘unlike’ you, and see how well you actually fit it. Because it’s up to you to decide your sense of fashion, no one else. Plus, it’s hard to find your true style without trying on a hundred different pieces first! 

Confidence is something you have to find. Experiment with fashion and you’ll come across it easily!

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