Ultimate Guide To Renovating Your Kitchen
Image Credit: Shadowfirearts from Pixabay.
When you own your home, you’ll likely get to a point where you’ll want to renovate it. That could be right after you move in or a decade after you buy it.
You’ll want to do it up. The kitchen is one of the more common places for people to renovate. There are multiple reasons for this.
Regardless of how common it is, it’s often not the easiest project. If you don’t know how to renovate your kitchen, you’ll end up feeling quite stressed.
It can be a large project, after all. You could even end up without the use of your kitchen during this time.
You’ll need to take a strategic approach to renovate your kitchen. There are quite a few things you’ll need to keep in mind.
How Much Does It Cost To Renovate A Kitchen?
Kitchen renovations are often one of the more expensive home improvements to get. You could end up spending much more than you’d initially assume.
The overall expenses can vary somewhat depending on exactly what you’re getting done. It’s not uncommon for these to range between $10,000 and $20,000.
It can also go much higher than this, especially if you choose premium products. You can minimize this in quite a few ways.
That typically entails shopping around for contractors and other things. Choosing to renovate your kitchen at certain times of the year rather than others can also affect costs.
If there’s a lot of renovation work going on in your neighborhood, then contractors could cost much more. Keeping these in mind and planning accordingly can help you minimize your expenses.
With the costs that are typically involved in renovating your kitchen, you’ll need to make sure that you want to. If you’re trying to increase your home’s value before selling, then it could be recommended.
Outside of that, however, you shouldn’t renovate your kitchen unless you plan on spending at least another ten or 15 years in it.
How To Renovate Your Kitchen Without Much Of The Stress
Do Your Research
You’ll need to do a lot of research before renovating your kitchen. There’ll be quite a few things involved in this.
You might want to find inspiration for your kitchen, for example. At the same time, you’ll need to consider costs, among other things.
At the same time, you’ll need to research contractors and other third parties that’ll work on your kitchen. You should get the right option for you.
Spending time finding the most appropriate people for your project could take some time. Once you do, however, you can rest easy knowing everything is in good hands.
Make Sure To Budget
Your budget may be the most important part of renovating your kitchen. You’ll need to know what you can afford before starting.
Putting research into various things will help you with this. That’ll let you know all of the average costs of what you’re looking for.
There are multiple other expenses that you’ll need to keep in mind. The hidden costs of renovating a kitchen can be higher than you’d think.
Dumpster rentals, for instance, may be needed for when you’re throwing things out. Breeding Roll Off can be an attractive option for this.
Knowing what all of your costs are and factoring these into your budget is vital. It’s worth adding an extra 10% onto this, in case any delays or surprises come up.
You’ll also need to stick to your budget as closely as possible.
Know Your Needs & Wants
Having certain things in your kitchen will be mandatory. Appliances, countertops, and a sink will be the most obvious.
You’ll need to know what your requirements are. You can then plan your kitchen design around them.
If you’re limited on space, then you’ll need to focus on them. You can also have a list of desires. These are optional extras for your kitchen.
You can add these only if you have the space and budget. Focusing on the necessities first, however, is a priority.
Adding in extras after that will save you the hassle of trying to fit the necessities in.
Map Out Your Space
Whether you’re designing your kitchen yourself or having a professional do it, you’ll need to keep a few things in mind. An architect will typically know these already.
They can be relatively easy for non-professionals to overlook, however. You’ll need to map out your kitchen space.
There are several rules of thumb to keep in mind when you do. Some of the more notable include:
Counters: You should aim for at least 36 inches of food preparation space. You’ll also need about two feet of space on one side of the sink and 18 inches on the other side. If you can get more, that could be recommended.
Appliances: While you’ll plan space for appliances, you’ll need to make sure that they can open. That means aiming for extra space around them. An appliances’ swinging door, for example, will be a factor in this. Plan to have at least 30 inches of open space in front of your appliances.
Walkways: It’s natural to focus on appliances and countertops when you’re designing a kitchen. You shouldn’t overlook your ability to get around the room. Make sure that the kitchen with ease while still using the appliances.
By following each of these best practices, your kitchen will be quite functional. You wouldn’t want a lack of preparation or cooking space once the renovation is done, after all.
Focusing on these and making sure it’s done right will prevent any regret once things are finished.
How To Renovate Your Kitchen: Wrapping Up
Once you know how to renovate your kitchen the right way, you’ll save yourself a lot of stress, alongside preventing multiple headaches. A kitchen renovation is often quite large.
It’ll need a significant amount of work, depending on exactly what you want to be done. You’ll need to be prepared for this.
A planned approach will be necessary. Keeping each of the above tips in mind will be more than useful. It’ll help you get through the renovation with ease.
Once it’s done, you’ll have no problem enjoying your new kitchen.