5 Best Reusable K Cup Pods to Buy

DIY & Tips, Lifestyle
K-cups and other coffee pods, while convenient to use, are quite harmful to the environment due to the huge amount of plastic waste they produce. Each year, companies like Keurig and Nespresso sell several billions of coffee pods. That’s right- billions! Hence, our landfills keep getting bigger and bigger.  It...

5 Ways to Spot a Truly Dedicated Foodie

While we all know that foodies walk among us, can you tell a dedicated foodie from someone who just enjoys good food? What is it that makes a foodie a foodie and how can you tell the difference? Here are 5 telltale signs that are always a dead giveaway! amzn_assoc_ad_type...

What are the Essential Nutrients?

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
What are the essential nutrients? The term ‘nutrient’ refers to anything that offers nourishment which is crucial for growth as well as maintaining life.  If we talk about ‘essential nutrients’, we’re referring to compounds that the body is unable to make or make in adequate quantities. According to the World...

Creative Ideas for Quirky, Yet Irresistible Wedding Food

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
Planning your wedding but can’t quite stomach the boring, predictable wedding food that your caterer keeps insisting on? It's your wedding and you can eat what you want to! Here are a few creatively quirky wedding food ideas to consider that you can be sure the guests will still appreciate. ...

For the Busy Mama: Your Guide to Preparing Quick and Easy Meals

Parenting, Lifestyle
Once upon a time, there was a day and time when a “woman’s place” was in the home, taking care of the children and having dinner ready for her husband by the time he got home from work. Things were so much simpler then, right? Yes, they were… but then,...

Organic Food That's Endorsed by Experts

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
Looking out for what you eat could be something that could enable you to check and control your weight. Regular nourishment which can enable you to stay sound. Naturally developed yields will in general utilize normal composts like fertilizer to improve plant development. Natural cultivating will in general improve soil...

Black Quinoa: 8 beneficial health properties

DIY & Tips, Lifestyle
Being called nothing short as the “Golden Grain” by ancient Incas, black quinoa, together with potatoes and corn, was included nicely to their three superfoods. This buckwheat-prototype tended to occur most frequently in the diets of vegetarians. You’ll agree that this is the strongest argument of its incredible benefits! So,...

5 Surprising Foods That Can Help You Fight Insomnia

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
Struggling with getting enough sleep at night? You’re not alone. According to the Center for Disease and Prevention in the United States, about 1 in 3 adults say that they are not getting enough sleep. This is quite worrisome because sleep (and good sleep at that) is incredibly important to...

What You Should Know About Beer, Microbrewery and Organic Brewery

Anywhere in the world, there is always some type of celebration. It can be a birthday, wedding, or religious holiday. As long as merriment is involved, then it is some sort of celebration. Here in North America, there are a lot of places wherein everything just changes when a certain...

Planning to Renovate Your Restaurant: 5 Tips To Keep in Mind

First impressions always count, especially in the restaurant industry. Diners are always on the lookout for mind-blowing meals and an exquisite experience. If your chef makes out of this world meals, and your revenue doesn't seem to speak to the quality of your meals - it's time to start asking...

Why Your Dog Hates Vacuums

Home & garden, Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
Does your dog run away from the vacuum cleaner? If so, there's no need to worry since most dogs do this. Much like cats, dogs tend to be scared of these machines for several reasons. Some dogs run away and hide while others bark and jump around attacking the machine....

Why It’s Essential For Your Kids To Spend Time Outdoors

Parenting, Lifestyle
Image by alteredego from Pixabay  Hopefully your kids have been spending plenty of time outdoors this summer and have really enjoyed the benefits of the excellent weather, however if you haven't encouraged it and now that winter is setting in you know they're going to spend even more time indoors...

Why It's Always A Good Idea To Buy Your Own Coffee Machine

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
Let's be real here. No pleasure-seeking adult an resist the charms of coffee. The aroma of the roasted beans that whiffs through your nose as the barista carefully drips you a cup - Ugh. That alone is too sexy too handle. We all have different reasons for starting to drink....

Fall Traditions That We All Look Forward To

Lifestyle, Holiday
You’re back from your annual vacation, it’s getting darker earlier, and you’ve noticed a nip in the air. It’s officially turning to fall, and there’s a good reason why studies often show it is America’s favorite season. Things just look more beautiful in fall, with orange foliage giving you that...

MINERAL Provides CBD Anxiety Solutions for Those in Search of Natural Treatment

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
CBD stands for cannabidiol and is found in the Cannabis sativa plant. Unlike the notorious tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD doesn’t produce the feelings of euphoria and disillusion that recreational users refer to as a “high.” In fact, CBD is the compound responsible for feelings of relaxation and contentment that often accompany...

Benefits of Snacking On Beef Sticks And Protein In General

DIY & Tips, Lifestyle
Are you still hungry after just having had your favorite snack? Do you ever feel guilty about your food choices between meals? Or maybe you swear to change your diet after every sugar crash you experience? If the answer is yes, then it really is high time you tried some...

How To Improve Your Living Environment

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
Everyone wants a functional and comfortable living environment where they can relax and spend quality time with their loved ones. Fortunately, there are many simple ways to enhance your home - from creating a more sociable open plan layout, to increasing your home security. Here are some simple ways to...

The Best Ways to Host a Party in the Colder Months

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
It’s easy to throw a fantastic party in the summer – sunshine and blue skies do a lot of the hard work by setting everyone at a default level of happy. Barbeques and pool parties are everywhere and people just seem more relaxed when they don’t have to bundle up....

How to Write a Perfect Food Service Resume

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
Over 13 million people work in the food service industry. While that number has dipped since its height in 2015, food service still represents one of the easiest ways for part-time workers and career seekers alike to break into the workforce. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); If you're thinking about...

5 Tips To Improve Your Smile

DIY & Tips, Lifestyle
Improving your smile can have a huge impact on your confidence and help you feel happier and healthier. It’s therefore definitely worth taking the time to improve your dental health. Even small lifestyle changes can make a big difference to your smile over time and there are many ways to...