Why Should You Eat Fried Chicken

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
Food is a primary basic need that one can’t do without. If you’re a food fanatic, focusing on meat, then you know the benefits of eating fried chicken.  If you have time, visit one of gami fried chicken locations and enjoy a drooling meal. Its lean meat is delicious and...

Why Grilled Foods Are Better And Healthier Than Fried Foods

You might have heard this plenty of times. Grilled foods are better than fried foods. But why is that, exactly? You may instantly think of the added fat that you infuse your food with when you fry it, but that’s not the only explanation. There’s a lot of chemistry happening...

How To Keep Eating Healthy In Winter

Winter seems to be one of the most challenging seasons of the year to keep eating healthy, as most of the foods you can have on your diet are not fresh, and usually richer in fat than what you can indulge in during summer, for instance. But there are ways...

How to slowly shift your lifestyle into a healthy one

Unfortunately, being ‘healthy’ often conjures images of being stuck on an elliptical machine for hours on end, or struggling through endless bowls of kale and quinoa. However, being healthy should simply be translated into being balanced. Rather than shifting from evenings full of frozen pizza and soda to early morning...

Guide To Medical Insurance

https://pixabay.com/illustrations/health-heart-handshake-healthcare-2070774/ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Medical insurance ensures that you receive the best possible health care and that you are protected if you become ill or sustain an injury. But, before you purchase a policy, there are a few things you need to be aware of. Read on to...

7 Things Every Chef Should Have in Their Kitchen

We all like to think of ourselves as kitchen connoisseurs – we can cook any recipe that comes across our Pinterest board. But how do you take your cooking to the next level? If you want to cook like a pro, what are the bare essentials that you’ll need? (adsbygoogle...

Restaurant Experience: Food And Ambience

https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/03/26/10/28/restaurant-691397__340.jpg (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); If you are going out for a meal, then you will be faced with a wealth of different choices regarding where to go. After all, there is a vast array of restaurants all over the world, and so you need to find a way...

Live the Life You Want by Turning Your Foodie Passion into a Great Career

How perfect does this sound - getting paid to indulge your love of food. Pretty fantastic, right? I know, I know. It sounds far fetched. You may think the only people who can pull off things like that are Rachel Ray and the Pioneer Woman. Fifteen years ago, I’d have...

#AD: The Best App To Shop & Scan As You Go While Grocery Shopping!

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
When you have the kids in tow and need to run in to grab a couple of forgetten items, it is such a hassle to get in the car then drag them all into the grocery store. Or, when you've been stuck in traffic trying to get home, when you...

Adding Superfoods To Your Diet

DIY & Tips, Lifestyle
There is no denying that we live in a day and age whereby obesity is a real concern. In the United Kingdom, 52.7 per cent of women and 66.6 per cent of men were found to be obese or overweight. And, to put this into perspective, the UK dos not...

Finding Restaurants Open Near Me

DIY & Tips, Lifestyle
Aren’t there days when you just feel like you can finish a whole bucket of chicken all by yourself? Or, maybe grab a pail of Ben & Jerry’s and binge it all while watching your favorite chick-flicks? Well, don’t you worry; we all experience days like these. And during these...

Tips For Going Vegan

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
There are a lot of reasons why you might want to go vegan. Firstly, meat comes from animals that are known to have actual emotions similar to those of humans. Furthermore, the conditions in which these animals are kept are often very inhumane. To top it all off, meat isn’t...

6 Cooking Appliances Every Home Cook Should Have

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
For home cooks, there’s nothing more exciting than finding a new appliance for your kitchen that actually does its job and does it well. Besides the essential arsenal of pots and pans, there are quite a few kitchen tools that can really test your culinary skills and help you make...

Which Ketogenic Diet Is Best for Weight Loss

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
Last year, the ketogenic (keto) diet was among Google's most searched diets for weight loss. The popular low-carb diet has received a cult following for good reason: it tackles the root cause of weight gain and its weight-loss benefits are backed by research. However, there's more than one way to...

A Review of Sun Basket Meal Delivery Prices & Cost: Is it Good?

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
Just when you know you’re a fast-food person and suddenly someone comes up to you and tells you: “You know what, you are what you eat.” Of course, that may come from a well-meaning friend or family member. But then, you go to the kitchen and take a peek at...

The Perfect Dinner Party Prep

Home & garden, Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
Nothing is more fulfilling than cooking for friends and loved ones. We usually do so during festive events such as Thanksgiving or Christmas. Less often we tend to go out of our way to host a dinner party. And although the idea of putting your heart and soul into delicious...

The Art of Selecting The Perfect Chefs Knives

DIY & Tips, Home & garden, Lifestyle
A chef’s knife is perhaps the most important of all culinary tools in any kitchen. Having a perfect knife in your kitchen will make it incredibly easy for you to chop the vegetables. It will make the entire cooking process seamless too. The following tips will help you find the...

7 Exclusive Tips You Should Know For A Beautiful Skin

DIY & Tips, Lifestyle
Longing for a beautiful and flawless skin? Well, you are not alone. Hardly there will be a woman who doesn’t look at the mirror and yearn to improve her skin texture. Today, when most of us are equipped with a hectic schedule and busy lifestyle, taking the time out just...

Squirt Gun Games for Kids

Lifestyle, Holiday
Are you looking for the perfect games to take outdoor summer fun to a new level? Look no further than the squirt gun games. All you need to play these games is a squirt gun and water, making them a perfect choice for kids during birthday parties and family reunions....

Grow Your Own

Home & garden, Lifestyle
https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2018/08/27/22/55/prickly-pear-3636199__340.jpg  Is there anything better than growing your produce? Below, we take a look at two types of tree that you should grow in your garden to aid with cooking and provide other benefits too. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); OLIVE TREES Do you currently have olive trees in your...