6 Great Ideas for Holiday Food Gifts

DIY & Tips
Do you know what I love about the holidays? GIFTS. Do you know what I dread about the holidays? GIFTS. Every year, I drive myself completely insane running around shopping malls, browsing the internet for hours and stressing out over what gifts to give to show how much we care...

Enjoy Fresh Family Meals From Scratch - With A Few Shortcuts

DIY & Tips
Image We know we should eat fresh and eat clean, but it’s not always easy to do that when you’re busy. Who feels like cooking after a busy day at work and fighting through traffic to get home? Sometimes it’s easier to pop in a ‘ping’ meal or order takeout....

Wine and Mexican Food?

DIY & Tips
Wine and Mexican Food?! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); When you're thinking about what you to drink while you're eating chips and salsa, a lot of people's go to choice is usually beer or a margarita.  This is because most of us assume that these are our only options, but...

Free Guide on How to Afford Organic & Healthy Groceries

DIY & Tips, Lifestyle
In 2017, I am starting a series on How to Afford Organic & Healthy Groceries. This is an ongoing guide with updated tips, special offers on healthy products, videos and more. Don't miss out and sign up now!  #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; } /* Add your own MailChimp form style...

Indulge Yourself! Why Your Favorite Food Isn't Actually Bad For You

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
This time of year, we’re all starting to think about indulging ourselves over the festive period. It’s an incredible time of year for anyone who enjoys food (unless you’re the one doing all the cooking, in which case it’s a little stressful too!) but it can also be a little...

Momma Cuisine's Mom Boss Guide For Making It Through The Day

DIY & Tips
I have been compensated by ZonePerfect® for this post; however, I am sharing my personal guide. All opinions are my own. #Ad #ZonePerfect If you're like me, your alarm goes off at around 5:00 A.M. – 5:30 A.M. every morning. And it's not like you had a full 8-10 hours...

Preparing Delicious Meals Every Day

DIY & Tips, Parenting
I had the honor of being featured on CilantroCooks.com. And here is part of the article. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Johanna M. Cook, better known as “Momma Cuisine,” is a national television and video cooking personality who shows viewers how to prepare great everyday meals. We had a chance...

Getting Social With Photos And Video at Social Media Week Chicago

DIY & Tips
This is an independently organized event and not part of the official program. HQ passholders must register separately if they wish to attend. Video plays an important part in telling a story and sharing a message. Over 6 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube. At this...

Win a $50 Gift Card from Idaho Potatoes on the Holiday Ready Chat with Momma Cuisine and Kenmore

Holiday, DIY & Tips
On Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. CDT, Kenmore, Idaho Potatoes and Momma Cuisine are hosting the #HolidayReady Twitter chat.  We are sharing with your all about Kenmore's Fully Loaded Idaho Potato Cook-Off recipe contest, where you can enter your best Idaho Potato recipe on Cookmore.com and be entered...

Get Ready to Sleigh All Season Long with Great Everyday Meals Magazine

Travel, Holiday, DIY & Tips, Lifestyle
Letter from the Editor (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Get ready to #sleigh all season long! Greetings readers! Welcome to the latest issue of Great Everyday Meals Magazine. Can you believe these are the last few months of 2016? Believe it. Summer came and went in the blink of eye...

2 Delicious Matcha Face Masks

DIY & Tips
Matcha has made it's way as a food fad in the United States for a few years now, and it is here to stay. Matcha green tea is a Japanese tradition and the purest powdered green tea you can find. Coming from the young leaves of Camellia senensis plant and...

Momma Cuisine Family Friendly Back-to-School Meals Cookbook with Kenmore

DIY & Tips
Back-to-school can be such a stressful time of the year for parents getting back into the school routine. Kenmore and Momma Cuisine teamed up for the second cookbook, this time with recipes that are perfect for busy weeknights.  From Olive Oil Cake to Rainbow Carrot Fried Rice, to BLT sushi...

Bento Box Lunch Ideas with Kenmore

DIY & Tips
Johanna Cook from Momma Cuisine shares fun and easy lunch box ideas for your kids to take to school. She shows how to pack a bento box with a healthy packed lunch your kids will love. Check out kid friendly recipe ideas from Kenmore: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDdKU..  amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_enable_interest_ads = "true";...

Upgrade Your Kitchen with Up to $10,000 Worth in Kenmore Appliances

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
Upgrade Your Kitchen with $10,000 Worth In Kenmore Appliances Visit Cookmore.com, Kenmore's beautiful and fun recipe site to enter the sweeps to win up to $10,000 in appliances. Plus, play the daily game for your chance to be an instant winner! If you haven't yet seen KenmorePRO appliances, you have...

Foods For Energy and Focus

DIY & Tips
As the school year has begun, it is important for moms to have the energy to keep up with all the kids' busy schedules, have focus to help with homework and get all the tasks done at home and at work. I like keeping a couple goodnessknows snacks squares in...

Guide To Buying Kona Coffee K-cups

DIY & Tips
Guide To Buying Kona Coffee K-cups 100% Kona coffee k-cups and not Whole Bean The purpose of our “Guide To Buying Kona Coffee” will focus on 100% Kona Coffee k-cups and not on where or how to buy 100% Kona coffee whole bean or ground. Our guide’s goal is to...

Time to Get Fresh - With Salsa!

DIY & Tips
Time to Get Fresh - With Salsa!  Food lovers are always at choice when it comes to choosing their best condiment to compliment a meal. Let’s take salsa for instances. Go to any grocery store and there are usually many choices to make. What many people are doing now is...

Banishing The Rabbit Food Myth: How To Make Your Salads More Interesting

DIY & Tips
Image Source Salad tends to have a bit of a bad reputation. Bland. Boring. Rabbit food that gets left on the side of the plate at the end of dinner. Unsurprisingly, not many people feel overly joyous when faced with the texture and flavor (or more aptly, lack of flavor)...

Why is Olive Oil Good For Me?

DIY & Tips
Are you enjoying the REAL 100% Greek extra virgin olive oil? INTRODUCTION Here's a little history on who we are and where we hope to go. We purchased our building in 1993 to supply companies in- and outside of Canada with a place to warehouse and ship their products from....

Frugal Foodies Rejoice: You CAN Dine Out On a Budget!

DIY & Tips
Being frugal when you’re a foodie isn’t easy. For the most part, dining out at restaurants is expensive. But if being able to go out and try new dishes and cuisines is something that makes you happy, you don’t have to fret. There are plenty of ways you can reduce...