{TV Appearance} Momma on @WCIU_YouandMe
Last Tuesday on August 18, 2012, I was invited by on the road reporter, Aly Bockler to come with her on two segments on WCIU’s new morning show, You and Me This Morning.With the Buick and Momma Cuisine French Market Tour coming to an end this Saturday, August 25th at the Chicago French...
{lifestyle} Summertime Reflections
This summer has been pretty brutal in Chicago – and my personal life was no exception.On one hand, SummertimeChi, as we Chicagoans so lovingly call it, is the arguably the best time of the year. After being cooped up inside all winter long (even that was a breeze), and finally...
{lifestyle} @Equinox Gym Is Taking It To The Farmer's Market
Called the “Top American Club” by Conde Nast, Traveler Magazine and “The Temple of Well-Being” by the New York Times, Equinox gym is more than just a gym. It’s a lifestyle.As the summer brings on an abundance of outdoor activities, Equinox is taking exercising to the Gourmet Farmer’s Market in Highwood, Illinois. In conjunction...
{Giving Back} @ArtizoneChi is Part of the Loop
It’s no secret how much I adore Artizone.com for bringing local foods from growers and artisans right to my doorstep. Having groceries delivered is one thing, but being able to get food that is sourced locally is so much better!What’s even better is that Artizone.com is giving back to the Chicago community...
{Contributor Recipe} Gluten Free Tequila Salmon Tacos by @ElaineMullowney
The summertime favorite in my household has quickly become my Gluten Free Tequila Salmon Tacos.My girls would devour these every day of the week if I let them!They are so fast and easy to make, even the little ones can get involved!Enjoy and try this recipe soon!Gluten Free Tequila Salmon TacosIngredientsSauce:In a...
Momma Cuisine Co-Hosting #FoodieChats on Monday, 6/25 at 7/8pm (EST)
If you’re a foodie, a cook, a restaurant or have any slight interest in food and you’re on Twitter, you also have most-likely have heard or have come across #FoodieChats at one point of another.#FoodieChats is a chat on Twitter founded by Steve Green (@steveGOgreen). His love and passion of food, as...
{lifestyle} SEARS (@Sears) Love/Hate Project Turns Reviews Into Charitable Contributions
Sears invites customers to give back to their favorite charity by participating in the retailer’s “Love/Hate: Share Your Thoughts, Send Some Love” project. Starting today, customers have the opportunity to review a product in order to vote for one of four charities. The participating charities competing forthe grand prize of $100,000 include the American...
{Trib Local} Interview with Chicagoland Food Swap curators @frenchfoodiemom & @westoftheloop
On Sunday, June 3, 2012, Chicagoland Food Swap will be hosting their third swap at Hinsdale’s Savory Spice Shop on 42 South Washington Street from 3:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.The idea of a food swap is nothing new. Taking your own handmade foods and swapping, or bartering it for another’s dates back...
{lifestyle} Kids Live Well: Healthful Choices, Happy Kids
The National Restaurant Association (NRA) created the Kids Live Well program to help both restaurants and consumers have better access to healthier choices when eating out, making “the healthful choice, the easy choice” for parents.In collaboration with Healthy Dining, a group of registered dietecians who have worked with the NRA for over two...
{pics} #FoodieChats Celebrates its One Year Anniversary at Union Sushi (@eatatunion)
#FoodieChats and creator Steve Green (@steveGOgreen) celebrated it’s one year anniversary yesterday in popular Chicago sushi and barbecue restaurant, Union Sushi (@eatatunion).#FoodieChats is a weekly Twitter chat with a community that reaches well over 150 million impressions with hundreds of followers every week. With this much community support and followers from all over...
Cooking for Rae (@raelt): Four Burners Going
Photo courtesy of Rae Lewis-ThorntonMany of you may not know Rae Lewis-Thornton. Rae is a woman I met last summer at the Brands & Bloggers Summitin Chicago. She was radiant, beautiful, well-spoken and extremely dynamic.During a question and answer session with the panel speakers, I then learned that she was the “Diva Living...
{Trib Local} Morton’s Steakhouse Winemaker Dinner Series with Peter Mondavi of Charles Krug Winery (pics)
On the evening of March 3, 2012, Morton’s Steakhouse on 65 East Wacker Place along with Peter Mondavi, Co-Proprietor of Charles Krug Winery, hosted the first of four dinner series in 2012 to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation . This event has been ten years running and a popular (and insiders) draw at Morton’s...
{lifestyle} Sonoma in the City Chicago
Sonoma in the City recently came to Chicago’s favorite wine bar and restaurant, Bin 36 on 339 North Dearborn Street led by Chef John Caputo, to showcase nothing else but the fabulous wines of Sonoma County, California. With about 52 wineries present at the event, it is truly a wine enthusiast and experts...
{Momma Cuisine Show} A Taste of Season 2
When I first began my journey as Momma Cuisine, I simply wanted to share my love of food and cooking, and chronicle my experiences in my blog. Through the process, I have rediscovered my long lost love of writing, particularly food writing, which was what I went to college for at...
{Trib Local} Market Visit: Mitsuwa Marketplace (pics)
Gourmet cooks and wanna-be's alike, should never be intimated of the Asian market. The thought of walking in a place where people speak little English is one of the biggest worries. Other's complain of seeing "weird" ingredients. What's weird in my book are those who stock their pantries with boxes...
{Trib Local} Artizone.com helps Chicagoans support local growers and food artisans
All photos courtesy of Artizone.comSupporting local food artisans and farmers are on the forefront of many people’s minds…I know it is on mine! But for a “typical” busy American family, although eating locally is a good idea, it may not be as easy or appealing as it sounds.While pregnant with my...
{recipe} Blueberry Green Tea Matcha Smoothie
Like many busy moms, eating a healthy breakfast is usually last on my list of things to do on a hectic weekday morning. Packing lunches, making sure each kid has brushed their teeth, and a million other things crosses my mind…not breakfast.As mothers, thinking of our families well-being before ourselves comes with...
{Trib Local} Market Visit: Lemon Tree Grocer (pics)
Lemon Tree Grocer is located on 935 West Burlington Avenue in Downtown Downers Grove and opened it’s doors in August 2010.I first heard about Lemon Tree through Twitter last year. As someone who sincerely enjoys perusing through markets, I was interested in finding out more about this market and their full-service...
#TalkStew on Tout: How can we support our local food pantries?
On Wednesday, February 8th, 2012, I co-hosted an event “Because We Care” for a local food pantry called, Loaves & Fishes Community Pantry. The event turned to be a huge success where I met my goal of raising at least $1,000 for Loaves & Fishes.Food is obviously something that I not...