Why Should You Eat Fried Chicken

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
Food is a primary basic need that one can’t do without. If you’re a food fanatic, focusing on meat, then you know the benefits of eating fried chicken.  If you have time, visit one of gami fried chicken locations and enjoy a drooling meal. Its lean meat is delicious and...

Why Grilled Foods Are Better And Healthier Than Fried Foods

You might have heard this plenty of times. Grilled foods are better than fried foods. But why is that, exactly? You may instantly think of the added fat that you infuse your food with when you fry it, but that’s not the only explanation. There’s a lot of chemistry happening...

How To Keep Eating Healthy In Winter

Winter seems to be one of the most challenging seasons of the year to keep eating healthy, as most of the foods you can have on your diet are not fresh, and usually richer in fat than what you can indulge in during summer, for instance. But there are ways...

How to slowly shift your lifestyle into a healthy one

Unfortunately, being ‘healthy’ often conjures images of being stuck on an elliptical machine for hours on end, or struggling through endless bowls of kale and quinoa. However, being healthy should simply be translated into being balanced. Rather than shifting from evenings full of frozen pizza and soda to early morning...

Top Tips On Creating A Garden Paradise

Home & garden, DIY & Tips
With the right planning, your garden could be your haven from the hustle and bustle of the real world. As summer approaches, now is the perfect time to start paying closer attention to your outdoors and taking steps to ensure that you can enjoy a slice of paradise in the...

Don't Forget These Lessons When Spending Time With Your Kids

It can actually be more complicated and even more difficult than most parents think to spend time with your kids. This is going to depend a lot on the age of your children. If they are in the terrible teens, it can feel a lot like you are constantly walking...

5 Surprising Ways To Make Your Kitchen More Eco-Friendly

Home & garden
Apart from investing in having a beautiful kitchen, you should also have in mind that an Eco-friendly kitchen will save you a lot of expenses. If anything, the only commodity which should make you incur more cost is food and not anything related to electricity or any other form of...

Guide To Medical Insurance

https://pixabay.com/illustrations/health-heart-handshake-healthcare-2070774/ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Medical insurance ensures that you receive the best possible health care and that you are protected if you become ill or sustain an injury. But, before you purchase a policy, there are a few things you need to be aware of. Read on to...

What’s Involved in Getting a Self-employed Loan for a Foodie Business?

DIY & Tips
If you love food as much as we do here at Momma Cuisine, it’s probably crossed your mind to start a foodie business. Starting a business from home offering local-based catering services or opening a virtual restaurant taking online orders is an attractive prospect. However, if you’re like the 10...

7 Things Every Chef Should Have in Their Kitchen

We all like to think of ourselves as kitchen connoisseurs – we can cook any recipe that comes across our Pinterest board. But how do you take your cooking to the next level? If you want to cook like a pro, what are the bare essentials that you’ll need? (adsbygoogle...

Restaurant Experience: Food And Ambience

https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/03/26/10/28/restaurant-691397__340.jpg (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); If you are going out for a meal, then you will be faced with a wealth of different choices regarding where to go. After all, there is a vast array of restaurants all over the world, and so you need to find a way...

The Travelling Taster - A Foodie Guide to Melbourne, Australia

The melting pot city of Melbourne is one that foodies all over the world rave about. With no shortage of trendy restaurants to visit, this city is a culinary mecca for anyone who is passionate about food. If you’re spending a week, or even just a weekend in this glorious...

Things to do in Minneapolis This Spring

Ready to say goodbye to winter? If so, you should head to Minneapolis, known as the four-season city.  It’s got an excellent reputation for being a healthy place to visit with lots of green spaces, riverfront trails, local breweries, a bustling downtown area, and professional sports stadiums. You won’t be...

Are Baby Walkers Safe For Baby’s Healthy Development?

Parenting, DIY & Tips
Being a parent, you enjoy your parenthood while you see your infant is getting a healthy development. There are many toys and gadgets offering your toddler happy growth with a big smile. Among them, we are going to cover the pros and advantages of baby walker today. So, let us...

11 Tips to Get the Most From Your Detox

DIY & Tips
From time to time, a health detox can be just what your body needs to feel better, more energetic. And, a good detox done right can lead to better mental sharpness, leaving you feeling more alert and ready to take on whatever the day throws at you. Whether you want...

What To Eat During Exams

DIY & Tips
https://pixabay.com/illustrations/math-symbols-blackboard-classroom-1500720/  If there is one period in your life whereby you really need to focus on what you eat, it is during exams. After all, food has an impact on how we feel, our ability to focus, and our capacity to retain information. So, with that in mind, continue reading...

Life-long Learning From Home

DIY & Tips
It’s never too late to learn. If you love learning new things, this is the perfect time for you. We live in a time where what you knew and relied on 10 years ago, might be completely obsolete nowadays. Gone are the days when you were taught a trade which...

Live the Life You Want by Turning Your Foodie Passion into a Great Career

How perfect does this sound - getting paid to indulge your love of food. Pretty fantastic, right? I know, I know. It sounds far fetched. You may think the only people who can pull off things like that are Rachel Ray and the Pioneer Woman. Fifteen years ago, I’d have...

Take the Pressure Out of Cooking

DIY & Tips
There are a whole host of reasons as to why people like to use pressure cookers. Their popularity has grown, transforming them from a useless (and sometimes dangerous) relic of the '70s, into a must-have appliance, which can make even the most basic of chefs seem like a master. Some...

Now You’re Cooking – 7 Must-have Items for Your Kitchen

Home & garden, DIY & Tips
Source: Shutterstock Your kitchen is a workspace, and like any other, it needs the right tools to make tasks easier. Whether you’re just moving into your first apartment, or you’ve decided the heart of your home needs an upgrade, there are several must-have items you need for your new kitchen. ...