Babies Actually Don't Need All This Stuff

Expecting a baby? Then your baby's needs are definitely topmost on your list of purchases. You've probably out a list of all the stuff that you think you would need and it is most definitely running into a few thousands. Well, one basic mistake that most mothers make - especially...

How to Host the Perfect Team Meeting

Meetings can be draining, dull affairs. But then, getting your team together shouldn't always feel like a chore. If you've become known as one of the office's best meeting hosts, you'll find the productivity levels and general spirit of your team will change almost immediately. Understanding and accepting that meetings...

5 Reasons Why Bali Should Be Next on Your Destination List

Travel, DIY & Tips
With over 17,000 islands scattered around Indonesia, Bali is still one of the most popular hotspots in terms of tourism. While there are plenty of other tropical destinations to check out, millions of tourists flock to Bali each year. Known for its iconic rice paddles, coral reefs, and stunning beaches,...

What to Know Before You Go Deep-Sea Fishing

Lifestyle, Travel
Fishing has a reputation for being a relaxing activity. Imagine it now. The rod is hanging off the side of a boat or on a placeholder on the shore, and you are catching up on some reading or slowly dozing off. You are close to nature and far away from...

How to Prepare Your Child for School

Parenting, DIY & Tips
The idea of your child’s first day of school is an emotional and nervous one for any parent; but that’s nothing compared to how your child must be feeling. Preparing your child for school is about helping them to build their confidence at the same time as building your own;...

6 Easy Recipes to Cook in a Cast-Iron Skillet

DIY & Tips
You may use a regular skillet on a day to day basis, but you may not know exactly why a cast-iron one is recommended for certain types of cooking. Most people don’t even bother choosing the right tools for their trade – in our case, cooking - which is why...

What's the Deal with Tannins in Wine?

At its core, wine is simple – it's a fermented beverage made from grapes. But wine is much more complicated than it sounds – consider there are entire schools devoted to the study of wine. One controversial class of ingredients oenophiles study are tannins: oft-misunderstood substances that contribute mightily to...

Best Keto Meal Replacement Shake Drinks Review & Buying Guide

Let's face it. Ketogenic diet isn't a low-hanging fruit. And even the seasoned keto dieters routinely find themselves hard-pressed to meet their nutritional demands. Following a ketogenic diet can be a lot less stressful with keto meal replacement drinks. Our guide will help you pick the right ones for you....

How to Use the Top Ketone Breath Meter for Keto Diet

It is not enough to have a Ketone breath meter. If you must get the best from the use of a ketone breath meter, you must know the best way to make use of one. A ketone breath meter can make it easy for you to know your body's level...

Why Mediterranean Diet Is the Healthiest and the Tastiest Diet

Have you ever wondered why Greece lived longer and was stronger? The answer to the question lies in the Greeks’ eating habits. One study of over 22000 people found that the Greeks who adhered to the Mediterranean diet were healthier and less likely to die prematurely from heart diseases and...

Shhhhh.....It's Time for Bed

Lifestyle, Home & garden
With family, work, friends, hobbies and more – we all lead busy lives. So, at the end of the day, when our face hits the pillow – we know what it feels like to be ready for bed. Our friends at Reliable Home Improvement get this. They want to ensure...

Guide to Caffeine in Pre-Workout Drinks

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
If you’re wanting to take a pre-workout supplement, you need to know what you’re getting into, not to mention what you’re putting into your body. Believe it or not, nearly all pre-workout supplements have a large dose of caffeine, and while some media hype says it is unsafe, you need...

How CBD Topical Ointment Can Ease Pain

DIY & Tips, Lifestyle
There are many forms of CBD on the market, but new products have emerged, which are actually topical applications for using CBD have been hitting shelves, and for good reason. Our bodies absorb oils and are meant to do so, and in this guide we’re going to talk about how...

Foods Not To Eat While Pregnant and Why?

Parenting, Lifestyle
A healthy nutrition is important part of life. A good diet is crucial especially when one is expecting a baby. A pregnant woman who is fed well will keep her baby in a perfect healthy condition. The child will be in a position to have an excellent growth and development...

Why Crave Orange Juice During Pregnancy?

Lifestyle, DIY & Tips
Some persons state that craving orange juice extract while pregnant is a signal that your baby's sexual category is female. While some will pledge about the reality in this old wives tale, it would ultimately be better to address the technical reasons as well. Professionals state that orange juice extract...

5 Best Reusable K Cup Pods to Buy

DIY & Tips, Lifestyle
K-cups and other coffee pods, while convenient to use, are quite harmful to the environment due to the huge amount of plastic waste they produce. Each year, companies like Keurig and Nespresso sell several billions of coffee pods. That’s right- billions! Hence, our landfills keep getting bigger and bigger.  It...

Easy Grilling Techniques for Beginners

DIY & Tips
Grilling is a fast and easy way to cook tasty meals. Great recipes will not produce great meals without the necessary techniques for grilling. You need to know the different grilling methods and the different types of food. This way you customize your grilling techniques to match your recipe and...

5 Ways to Spot a Truly Dedicated Foodie

While we all know that foodies walk among us, can you tell a dedicated foodie from someone who just enjoys good food? What is it that makes a foodie a foodie and how can you tell the difference? Here are 5 telltale signs that are always a dead giveaway! amzn_assoc_ad_type...

5 Life Saving Baby Products Parents Can’t Live Without!

Parenting, DIY & Tips
Want to ensure proper safety and well-being of your baby? In fact, every parent wants to be sure that their babies are safe and growing with sound health. And some baby products can keep you ahead here.  Not only that, some baby products are so important that you can consider...

3 Surprising Ways Your Home Can Help You Slim Down

Christmas is already around the corner. With barely two months before the festive celebration, you probably have a lot of things to think about, starting with what you’re going to wear. Indeed, Christmas is typically an occasion to show off a little to your relatives. First of all, your cooking...